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Industrial Revolution

Terms to know about the Industrial Revolution


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Bessemer Process
The process of refining steel
Blue Collar and White Collar
Blue Collar-Lower class, less paying jobs, Workers for Andrew Carnegie White Collar-Higher class, higher paying jobs, Andrew Carnegie
Captains of Industry
People who's personal fortune helps the country-Andrew Carnegie
Robber Barons
People who use questionable ways to gain wealth-Andrew Carnegie
Charity v Philanthropy and justice
Charity-Giving people what they need right now-soup kitchens Philanthropy-giving large sums of money to benefit the country-money to library Justice-making everyone equal by for instance raising minimum wage
The idea that words have have additional meanings besides it's literal meaning-your stupid=bad connotation
Economies of Scale
Cost advantages to expanding your business-Andrew Carnegie, McDonalds buying Chipotle
Use persons in an unfair way-workers in Triangle factory
Gospel of Wealth
Term coined by Andrew Carnegie saying that rich should give to poor
Great Wave of Immigration
Time in American history where huge amounts of immigrants came to America
Homestead Strike
A strike within Andrew Carnegie's factory where workers wanted more money and better working conditions
Horatio Alger
A writer that wrote "rags to riches" stories. His most famous one was called Ragged Dick and it was about a man who worked his way up by being nice and working hard
Horizontal integration
When a company merges with another company that does like same thing like McDonald's merging with Chipotle. It benefits the companies because they get better deals on food items like lettuce
Income mobility
The moving of a person from one income level to another whether that be up or down. The graph about poor to rich helps in this understanding
Inequality in income/wealth
The way income is distributed in America. It is supposedly unfair.
Industrial Revolution
Era in American history where the change in all job industries drastically effected America.
When one company supplies all of one item
the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions-homeless
a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving-industrial revolution
Workers come in when the origianl workers are on strike
Scientific Management
Way of managing companies that improves efficency
Person who owns a share in a company
Social Darwinism
When Darwin's theories of "Survival of the fittest" are applied to social situations like poverty
When workers stop working to protest lack of pay or poor working conditions
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
When a fire started in a fire and killed 146 working immigrants
To rely on
Workers that have come together to achieve better working conditions
Growth of urban places because of global changes that are taking place
Vertical integration
When a company buys all the companies that are needed to produce that company's product-Andrew Carnegie
Working poor
People who are working, but their income is below the official poverty line

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