SAT words N-P
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- Negligence
- Careless in a situation that could result in harm neglectful
- Neophyte
- beginner
- Nocturnal
- active at night
- Nostalgic
- wishing for a return to the way things used to be; longing for the past
- Novelty
- something new or unusual
- Nuance
- slight degree; shade of difference
- Nullify
- remove or cal all value or force; negate
- Nurture
- provide care and support; nourish; train or educate
- Obdurate
- Stubborn
- Obliterate
- Remove or destroy completely; erase
- Obscure
- Hazy
- Obsequious
- Behaving like a meek, spineless servant
- Obsolete
- no longer usable; outdated
- Obstinate
- Stubborn
- Obtuse
- dull; blunt;unintelligent; lacking sharpness
- Obviate
- make unnecessary
- Ominous
- a sign of something unpleasant that's about to happen
- Onerous
- burdensome; oppressive
- Opaque
- too dark or thick for light to pass through
- Opportunist
- Someone who takes advantage of the situation
- Optimist
- someone who always believes things will turn out okay
- Opulence
- luxury wealth
- Pacifist
- person who refuses to fight
- Paltry
- worthless; insignificant, petty
- Paragon
- model of excellence; the best
- Parity
- equality or equivalence
- Parsimony
- stinginess; excessive frugality
- Partisan
- Blindly devoted to a cause or org.
- Paucity
- Too few; scarcity
- Pecuniary
- having to do with money; financial
- Penchant
- a strong liking; attraction
- Penury
- extreme poverty
- Perfunctory
- without enthusiasm or thoroughness; routine
- Pernicious
- destructive
- Perspicacity
- Mental sharpness
- Peruse
- read carefully
- Pervade
- to spread to every part
- Petulance
- Grouchiness
- Phlegmatic
- Calm; unemotional
- Pious
- Religious devotion
- Pithy
- To the point; concise
- Placate
- To appease; pacify; mollify
- Platitude
- Dull, trite statement
- Plausible
- believable,but not completely
- Pompous
- Filled with self importance; arrogant
- Ponderous
- Slow; labored
- Portent
- warning sign; omen
- Potent
- Powerful
- Precarious
- risky; uncertain
- Preclude
- Prevent; make impossible
- Precocious
- Mature at a young age
- Predecessor
- an earlier occupant of a job, office, or position
- Predilection
- a preference for something
- Pretentious
- Showy; making ridiculous claims
- Prevalent
- Widely accepted; common
- Primordial
- formed long ago; primitive
- Prodigal
- Wasteful, especially money
- Prodigious
- Very Large
- Profound
- Penetrating beyond the superficial; deep
- Profuse
- In large amounts or quantities
- Protract
- Extend in time or space
- Provoke
- To anger; to stir up or arouse
- Proximity
- nearness
- Prudent
- wise shrewd cautious
- Puerile
- Childish
- Qualify
- To limit the meaning of a previous statement; to modify
- Quandary
- A state of confusion or doubt
- Quarantine
- forced isolation to prevent spread of disease
- Quell
- Pacify
- Querulous
- Constantly complaining