Oedipus King
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- 2nd messanger has was news?
- Jocasta's death
- Deus Ex Machina means....
- God from a machine
- He doesn't want to kill himself because..
- He doesn't want to face his parents
- Ironic things in the Lauis vs. Oedipus fight?
- Killed with walking stick, wounded his father in the ankle, chariot ran over the ankle
- Suspense
- a feeling of tension or uncertainty
- Teiresas' speech say's Oedipus will live what kind of life?
- Horrible suffering
- Two emotions of a tradgedy?
- Pity for protag and fear for him and ourselves
- What are some Oedipus's character flaws?
- Unreasonable and rash
- What does Creon do before making a decision?
- Asks Apollo
- What does the Oracle tell Creon?
- Banish Laius's murderer
- What is dramatic Irony?
- Something the audience knows and the characters don't.
- WHat is meant by the Chorus's last speech?
- Everyone goes through pain in their lives.
- What's ironic about Teriresias?
- HE's blind
- Who gave the Herdsman the baby?
- Jocasta
- Who is the Author of Oedipus the King?
- Sophocles
- Why don't we see her die?
- Greek tradgedy doesn't show violence