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NASM certified personal trainer exam


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percentage of adults with low back pain
ankle sprain
gluteus max,med weak. over 2million yearly, most severe, females more, most common acute sports related injury. basketball, soccer, volleyball
80-150000yearly. most noncontact. transverse plane during eccentric deceleration.15-25yo. need to enhance neuromuscular control.
kinetic chain
soft tissue system (mm, ligaments, tendons, fascia), neural system, articular system
kinetic chain assessment
postural control, core stabilization, balance (neuromuscular stabilization), power (reactive neuromuscular stabilization) fxnal strength, fxnal flexibility, deceleration abilities
integrated performance profile kinetic chain assessment
static assesments
transitional assessments
dynamic assessments
static assessments
posture, serial distortion patterns, muscle length imbalances
transitional assessments
overhead squat test, single leg squat test
single leg balance excursion test
dynamic assessments
sports specific movements
agility tests
gait assessment
reaction time tests
integrated flexibility continuum
corrective flexibility
improve mm imbalance, postural distortion, altered neural tissue dynamics
active flexibility
active isolated
lumbopelvic hip complex
thoracic spine
cervical spine
intramuscular coordination
ability of individual muscle to have improved motor unit recruitment, rate coding and motor unit synchronization
intermuscular coordination
ability of neuromuscular system to allow improved integrated movement efficiency by allowing agonists, antagonists, synergists stabilizers and neutralizers to work together efficiently
high levels of neuromuscular efficiency yields
greater recruitment of the agonist
less neural inhibition from the antagonist
greater force production and greater hypertrophy
power: reactive neuromuscular training
reflects fxnal activities
enhanced performance is related to rate of force production
speed of muscular exertion during functional movements is limited by neuromuscular system
kinetic chain will only move within a set range of speed set by
neuro muscular system must react quickly following a______contraction to product a _____________ contraction and impart necessary force and acceleration in proper direction
eccentric, concentric
reactive training uses___________to enhance _____________________
stretch shortening cycle;
nm efficience, rate of force production, reduced nm inhibition
types of strength
max, absolute, relative, endurance, speed, stabilization, fxnal
playing speed
starting, stopping, acceleration, top end, change of direction, closing
m balance, core, nm control, power, technical proficiency
lateral speed and agility
decelerate, stabilize, accelerate and change direction dynamically w/o loss of posture, speed, str, balance, body control
reaction time; ability to react to visual, auditory, kinesthetic feedback w/o hesitation
integrated performance paradigm
force reduction precedes all force production
taking a step
mm must eccentrically contract to decelerate gravity, ground rxn forces and momentum
amortization phase
stabilization str, core str, and nm efficiency control time between ecc and subsequent concentric contraction
improving eccentric strength
can handle heavier loads w/o overuse in connective tissue
isolated training
open kinetic chain movements; uniplanar, sagittal, low nm demand
integrated training creates
max motor unit recruitment
most injuries occur in
transverse plane during eccentric m contractions
greatest tension development in mm produced by
eccentric contractions then iso then concentric
gluteus max
transverse plane
gluteus medius
frontal plane
common serial distortion patterns
upper crossed syndrome, lower crossed syndrome,
pronation distortion syndrome
muscle tightness can cause
reciprocal inhibition and synergistic dominance
reciprocal inhibition
tight or overactive m causes decreased neural drive in antagonist ex psoas, glut max; causes decreased force by prime mover, causing synergistic dominance
synergistic dominance
synergists compensate for weak or inhibited prime mover
length tension relationship
mm can only produce optimal force from optimal length
force couple relationship
mm work in synergies to reduce force, stabilize dynamically and produce force
eccentrically decelerates knee ext, hip flex, tibial int rot. concentrically assists in hip ext.
integrated isolation
isolating a weak segment while integrating entire kinetic chain
one of the most indicative components of performance is
rate of force production
goals of integrated training
injury prevention, body comp, strength, endurance flex, performance
integrated kinetic chain profile
activity demand analysis profile; postural assessment; flexibility assessment; core strength ; nm control; fxnal mvmt;fxnal strength; body fat; nutrition
exercise variables
plane, body position, base of support, lower extremity symmetry, upper extremity symmetry, external resistance, balance modality
feet flatten/pronate and externally rotate
tight calves, hams, piriformis weak gluteus medius
knees in
weak/inhibited glut max/med, tight adductors and it band
low back arch
tight iliopsoas other hip flexors; tight lats compensation for weak core
low back round
overactive ext obliques compensating for weak core
arms forward
tight lats, pec s , weak lower traps, rhomboids, t minor infra
cervical spine hyperextends
overactive scm, weak stabilizers
active flex
improve soft tissue extensibility, neural m control by reciprocal inhibition, autogenic inh
fxnal flex
dynamic; improve soft tissue ext by using body's mm to control speed direction and intensitiy of stretch
20 sec x 3; autogenic inh
autogenic inh
mechanical elongation
reciprocal inh; assisted
active isolated
dynamic extensibility and neuromuscular control; reciprocal inhibition
dynamic stretching
improves motor unit recruitment, synch, rate of force, overall nm efficiency; reciprocal inh
dynamic calf biceps femoris, piriformis stretch
mountain climbers, multiplanar lunge, prisoner squats
feet ext rotate
stretch soleus, lat gastroc, biceps femoris, piriformis
increased low back ext
stretch psoas, tfl, es, lats
protruding abs
tight psoas
autogenic inh
golgi tendon stimulated--> muscle spindle inhibited in same mm

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