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BUS331 Exam 2


undefined, object
copy deck
corrdinated communications that deliver a clear consistent coherent compelling brand message
Marketing Communication Tools
sample coupons price packs premiums specialties point of purchase loyalty programs contests
Personal Selling
paid, interpersonal, personalized
Public Relations
earned relationship with the public
PR Tools
spokesperson news releases press conferences annual report events
MC mix strategy
push pull
Pull strategy
consumer sales, promotion, advertising
Push Strategy
personal sales and trade promotions
Sales promotion
short term sales promotion
Stages of the personal selling process
prospecting and qualifying preapproach approach presentation handling objections closing follow up
Indirect Marketing channel
at least one intermediary
Functions of marketing intermediaries
helps spread risk take large quantity of limited variety of products into limited quantities of wide variety products
Retail Classification
service product assortment price organization
Types of Wholesalers
merchant agent/broker
Vertical marketing systems
corporate-all owned by same people contractual-franchises administered-1 entity has all of the power
paid non personal communication credible, many people at one time, status symbol>very expensive
Developing IMC Campaign
campaign objectives budget strategy evaluate
Campaign Objectives
informational emotional behavioral
common- % of sales budget> promo drives sales affordable- whatever is left over>sales drive promo share of voice- spend what competitor spends objective task- meet objective
develop strategy
message- highlight what makes you stand out, tone, execution, style media- reach, frequency, impact
Direct Marketing
tailored, not interpersonal communication
Conventional Marketing System
-Manufacturer> wholesaler> Retailer> Consumer
Direct market channel
selling directly to the consumer
Distribution strategies
intensive exclusive selective
Hybrid Marketing System
combination of indirect and direct marketing systems

Deck Info


