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oncology agents


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Etoposide, VP-16
Vespid microtubule toxins podophyllotoxin non-intercalating Topo II inhibitor very broad act with synergistism Oral dose not used
water soluble prodrug of etoposide must be dephosphorylated to etoposide to be active. IV
Oncovin Microtubule toxin M-phase specific (inhibit mitotic spindle) Reduce dose in hyperbilirubemic patients Neurotoxicity (foot drop syndrome-irreversible, paralystic ileus) SIADH Constipation
Velban Microtubule toxin less neurologic toxicity (but asso with chronic use)
Navelbine Microtubule toxin neurotoxicity and leukopenia
Taxol Microtubule toxin Pacific Yew Stabilizes tubulin structures-nonfunctional Adm before cisplatin or carboplastin Allergy-rash, flushing, dyspnea, hypotension
Taxotere Microtubule toxin Dexamethasone 8mg bid 1 day before, 2 days after
Estracyte/Emcyt Microtubule toxin Estradiol and nitrogen mustard combo Hormone refractory prostate cancer Painful gynecomastia, CV complications, thromboembolism and decreased libido/impotence
Blenoxane Antitumor antibiotics Glycoproteins from Streptomyces S-phase, G2, DNA strand breaks Redox with Fe cofactor Inactivate by bleomycin hydrolase (lack in skin and lungs) Less myelosuppression but cutaneous toxicity and pulmonary fibrosis
Adriamycin Antitumor abx Topo II inhibitor Intercalates and free radical formation Broad spectrum of act Hyperbilirubinemia-dose adjustment *red urine Severe n/v, radiation recall Unique cardiotoxicity
Novantrone Antitumor abx anthracenedione-intercalates into DNA and inhibits topo II less cardiotoxicity compared to doxorubicin. Blue urine
Cosmegen Antitumor abx intercalates, forms free radicals-DNA strand breaks Elimate unchanged in urine and bile
Cytosine Arabinoside Cytarabine
Cytosar competitive inhibitor of DNA polymerase Misincorporates into DNA compromising DNA replication* main effect Resistance: lack of phosphorylation enzymes Decrease in cytarabine transport into cell
Xeloda ORAL* pro-drug of 5-DFUR Metabolized in liver Tumor more efficient at converting capcetibine than normal tissue
Floxuridine (FUDR)
convert to FdUMP to inhibit thymidylate synthetase Administered into hepatic artery Hand-foot syndrome Hepatic metastasis of colorectal cancer
5-FU toxicity
stomatitis, diarrhea, cutaneous (hand-foot syndrome)-worst with bolus infusion
5-FU resistance
Changes in converting enzymes (thymidylate synthetase) loss of folate pools inhibition of polyglutamation
Antimetabolite Pyrimidine analog FdUMP-thymidylate synthetase FUTP-RNA FdUTP-DNA Leukovorin improve activity
ARA-C toxicities
Stomatitis Rash* High dose: conjunctivitis (dexamethasone eye drops), CNS toxicity (coma, death), non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Gemzar Antimetabolites Requires triphosphorylation inhibits ribonucleotide reductase NOT recognized by repair enzymes so has expanded activity compared to cytarabine Flu-like syndrome*
Purinethol Antimetabolites thiol sub monophosphate inhibit purine biosynthesis Allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase that metabolite 6-MP to inactive metabolite thiouric acid Redure 6-MP dose by 75% Commonly used in ALL
thioguanine Antimetabolites incorporates into DNA and lead to chain termination use in ANL
Fludara Antimetabolites Good immunosuppressive agent inhibit DNA polymerase and ribonucleotide reductase Require triphosphorylation High dose-neurotoxicity and renal failur
2'deoxycoformycin Nipent Antimetabolite Adenosine deaminase inhibitor, concentration of adenosine increase and inhibits ribonucleotide reductase Hairy cell leukemia High dose neurologic and renal toxicity
2-chlorodeoxyadenosine Leustatin Antimetabolite Require triphosphorylation and incorp into DNA inhibits ribonucleotide reductase High dose-neurologic and renal toxicity
Clolar antimetabolite Refractory or relapsed childhood ALL only IV flu-like, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Dacogen antimetabolite inhibits DNA methyltransferase-> hypomethylation and apoptosis metabolized by cytidine deaminase Electrolyte abnormality-hyperglycemia, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, increase LFTs
Vidaza antimetabolites low dose-hypomethylation. high dose-false base disrupting DNA function lab abnormalities
Hydrea antimetabolites inhibit ribonucleotide reductase-decrease production of deoxyribonucleotides Use in CML to lower WBC, head and neck Radiation recall, megaloblastic anemia
Arranon antimetabolites with Ara-GTP inhibiting DNA synthesis 40% with CNS toxicity

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