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Social Studies


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british weaknesses
army was 3,000 miles away from home. took many months for supplies and news to travel. risked attacks from colonists once they left the city
who wrote the declaration of independence
thomas jefferson
taking a stand at bunker hill
col. william prescott led 1,200 minute men to take position up on bunker hill, in charlestown, across river from boston. why? they could fire on british ships in boston harbor. prescott saw that breed's hill was better position so he had his men dig trenches there. british gen. william howe spotted the americans and ferried 2,400 redcoats across the harbor to charlestown. bristish had to cross rough fields anc climb breed's hill. fighting broke out and british tried 3 times to climd up and one the thrid try they successed only becuase they americans ran out of ammunition. took both breed's and bunker hill but had to pay and bug price-more than 1,000 redcoats lay dead
continental strenghts
defending their land- they knew it very well. many owned rifles and were good shots. brilliant lead- george washingtion
common sense
pamphley appeared on the streets of philly. written by thomas paine and urged coloniist to declare inderpendence. disadvantage to colonists situation: distance from england and idea of having kings/queens as rulers
committee to draw up the declaration of independence
john adams, ben franklin, thomas jefferson, robert livingston and roger sherman
Ethan Allen
Led a group of vermonters, green mountain boys in a surprise attack on fort ticonderoga
green mountain boys
group of vermonters who surprise attaked fort ticonderoga
the declaration
document had 3 main parts; basic right, british wrongs, and independent nation
british strenghts
highly trained, experianced army. most powerful navy in the world
olive branch petition
sent king george 3 to declare their loyalty. asked the king to repeal the intolerable acts. set up by the continental army. george washington was chosen as commander
attack at fort ticonderoga
fort located at southern tip of lake champlain. early may 1775 slipped through themorning mists at the fort. overpowered the guard on duty and entered fort. allen and the boys rushed to the commanders room and awoke him. commander had no choice but to surrender. this gave americans control of hey route to canada
continental weaknesses
untraind forces. few cannons. little gunpowder. no navy

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