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Med Term Ch 11


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hearing condition
acous/o, audi/o
acoustic neuroma
benign tumor on the auditory nerve (8th cranial nerve) that causes vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss
air or gas
aerotitis media
inflammation of the middle ear from changes in atmospheric pressure; often occurs with frequent air travel
a drug that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms; used to treat diseases caused by bacteria (eg. otitis media)
a drug that blocks the effects of histamine
a drug that reduces inflammation
record of hearing measurement
health professional who specializes in the study of hearing impairments
instrument to measure hearing
process of measuring hearing
auditory acuity testing
physical assessment of hearing; useful in differentiating between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
auditory prosthesis
any internal or external device that improves or substitutes for natural hearing
aur/i, ot/o
a waxy substance secreted by glands located throughout the external canal
cerumen impaction
excessive buildup of wax in the ear that often reduces hearing acuity, especially in elderly persons
coiled tubular structure of the inner ear that contains the organ of Corti (cochlea = snail)
cochlear implant
an electronic device implanted in the cochlea that provides sound perception to patients with severe or profound sensorineural (nerve) hearing loss in both ears
conductive hearing loss
hearing impairment caused by interference with sound or vibratory energy in the external canal, middle ear, or ossicles
general term for partial or complete loss of hearing
a drug that reduces congestion and swelling of membranes, such as those of the nose and eustachian tube in an infection
ear lavage
introduction of a medicated solution into the external canal, usually administered by drop (gt) or drops (gtt) in the affected ears
fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
eustachian obstruction
blockage of the eustachian tube, usually as a result of infection, as in otitis media
eustachian tube / auditory tube
tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx (throat)
external auditory meatus or canal
external passage for sounds collected from the pinna to the tympanum
external ear
outer structures of the ear that collect sound
hearing aid
an external amplifying device designed to improve hearing by more effective collection of sound into the ear
a regulatory body substance released in allergic reactions, causing swelling and inflammation of tissues; seen in hay fever and urticaria (hives)
anvil; middle of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
inner ear / labyrinth
intricate, fluid-filled, intercommunicating bony and membranous passages that function in hearing by relaying sound waves to auditory nerve fibers on a path to the brain for interpretation; also sense body movement and position to maintain balance and equ
inflammation of the labyrinth (inner ear)
hammer; first of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
Meniere disease
disorder of the inner ear resulting from an excessive buildup of endolymphatic fluid, causing episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, and hearing loss; one or both ears can be affected, and attacks vary in both frequency and intensity (named afte
surgery with the use of a microscope used on delicate tissue, such as the ear
middle ear
structures in the middle ear that vibrate sound from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
mixed hearing loss
combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss
myringitis / tympanitis
inflammation of the eardrum
myringotomy / tympanostomy
incision into the eardrum, most often for insertion of a small polyethylene (PE) tube to keep the canal open and prevent fluid buildup, such as occurs in otitis media
organ of Corti
structure located in the cochlea; contains receptors (hair cells) that receive vibrations and generate nerve impulses for hearing
otalgia / otodynia
otitis externa
inflammation of the external auditory meatus (canal)
otits media
inflammation of the middle ear
surgical repair of the external ear
bleeding from the ear
purulent drainage from the ear
hardening of the bony tissue in the ear
use of an otoscope to examine the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane
oval window
a membrane that covers the opening between the middle ear and inner ear
fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the inner ear
auricle (little ear); projected part of the external ear (pinna = feather)
pneumatic otoscopy
otoscopic observation of the tympanic membrane as air is released into the external auditory meatus; immobility indicates the presence of middle ear effusion (fluid buildup), as occurs as a result of otitis media
presbyacusis / presbycusis
hrstinh impsitmrny in old age
the smaller of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear (sacculus = small bag)
eustachian tube or uterine tube
semicircular canals
three canals within the inner ear that contain specialized receptor cells that generate nerve impulses with body movement
sensorineural hearing loss
hearing impairment caused by lesions or dysfunction of the cochlea or auditory nerve
excision of the stapes to correct otosclerosis
stirrup; last of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
a jingling; a ringing or buzzing in the ear
tuning fork
a two-pronged, fork-like instrument that vibrates when struck; used to test hearing, especially bone conduction
tympan/o, myring/o
tympanic membrane (TM)
eardrum; drum-like structure that receives sound collected in the external auditory canal and amplifies it through the middle ear
measurement of the compliance and mobility (conductibility) of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear by monitoring the response to external airflow pressures
vein graft of a scarred tympanic membrane to improve sound conduction
the larger of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear (uter = leather bag)
a turning round; dizziness
middle part of the inner ear, in front of the semicircular canals and behind the cochlea, that contains the utricle and the saccule; functions to provide body balance and equilibrium

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