edpy442 ch11
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specific behavioral technique
6.Contingency Contracts - spell out behaviors to be performed, changed or discontinued; reward associated with achievement of these goals
role of counselor
(reality therapy) -
-teach & model
-built relationship by dev. trust
-emphasis on choice
-positive, constructive actions
- stimulus response model is
-the application of classical conditioning (also called respondent learning & stimulus response model)
-learning occurs through the association of 2 stimuli known as the condition of involuntary responses -
general behavioral techniques
2.shedules of reinforcement
a)continous rein.-behavior first learned should be rein. everytime it occurs
b)intermittent rein.-once learned, rein. less frequently
c)operate according to ratio(# of responses) or interval(length of time)
d)fixed ratio schedule-rein. based on the # of responses made. ex.being payed for the # of items produced
e)fixed interval schedule-occurs on regular time schedule. ex.salary
f)variable interval schedule-rein. is obtained irregularly. ex.slot machine
g)variable interval schedule-irregular time schedule. ex.told good job by boss twice one day & not again for a month -
general behavioral techniques
1. use of reinforcers: -
a)reinforcer-when they follow a behavior they increase the probability of the bahvior reoccuring
b)positive reinforcer-considered pleasurable by the affected person
c)negative reinforcer-aversive stimulus is removed when a desired behavior has occured. ex.mother nags daughter until she does the dishes
d)primary reinforcer-valued intrinsically. ex.food
e)secondary reinforcer-some kind of token. ex.money
general behavioral technique
7.punishment - -present an aversive stimulus to a situation to eliminate or supress a behavior
general behavioral technique
6.extinction - -elimination of a behavior because of a withdrawl of it reinforcement
general behavioral techniques
3.shaping -
-behavior learned in steps through successive approximation
-occurs when a person practices a behavior or imagines doing a task more than he previously had (focused imagery)
-chaining-be aware of response sequence they wish to establish, what follows what & how -
general behavioral techniques
5.maintanence -
-consistent in doing the actions desired without depending on anyone else for support
-self observation-person notices particular behaviors he or she does
-self recording-recording these behaviors
-self monitoring-count the occurances of behaviors normally done without thought to increase awareness -
general behavioral techniques
4.generalization - -display of behaviors in the environment outside where they originally learned
specific behavioral technique
2.environment planning - client set's up part of the environment to promote or limit certain behaviors
specific behavioral techniques
1.behavioral rehersal -
-practicing a desired behavior until it is performed the way the client wishes
aka. role playing -
specific bahavioral technique
3.systematic desensitization -
-help overcome anxiety in specific situations
-hierarchy, 0-100(most upsetting), work through events
-reciprocal inhibition- idea that a person cannot feel anxious & relaxed at the same time -
specific behavioral technique
4.assertiveness training - person should be free to expree thoughts and feelings without undue anxiety
- Skinner can be classified as a behavioral determinist:
- because of his emphasis on learning as the primary determinant of human actions
- strengths of reality therapy
-many different populations
-short term treatment
-promotes responsibility & freedom
-addresses conflict resolution
-stresses the present -
(reality therapy)
1.become psychologically strong & rational
2.realize they have choices
3.help clarify want they want in life
4.realistic plan to achieve needs & wishes
5.focus on behavior & present
6.eliminate punishment & excuses from client's life -
specific behavioral technique
7.Implosion & Flooding -
-implosive therapy-desensitizing a client to a situation by having him imagine an anxiety producing situation that may have dire consequences(person is not taught to relax first)
-flooding-less traumatic, imagined scene does not have dire consequences -
aversive technique
2.overcorrection -
-first restore the envirenment to its natural state and then make it better than normal
ex.kid throws food in lunchroom, must clean it up and wax the floor -
Aversive technique
1.time out - client is seperated from the oppertunity to have positive rein.
- most success with cognitive behavioral counseling:
1.goal orientated
2.action orientated
3.interest in changing -
(reality therapy) -
-action oriented
-teaching as primary technique
-WDEP system
aversive technique
3.covert sensitization - undesired behavior is eliminated by associating it with unpleasantness
- aversive techniques are not
- usually effective by themselves
- skinner
- focus-learning principles
- Watson (advocate of behaviorism in infancy)concerned with:
-outward observations
-little Albert - behavioral approach
-help clients learn new, appropriate ways of acting or modify or eliminate excessive actions
-adaptive behaviors replace maladaptive behaviors - 3 main approaches to behavioral therapy
1.stimulus response model
2.applied behavior analysis
3.social cognitive theory -
stimulus response model
Pavlov -
cr-salivating to the bell
ucr-naturally salivating when food is present -
cognitive behavioral techniques
1. cognitive restructing -
-clients are taught to identify, evaluate & change self defeating thoughts that negatively influence their behavior
-done by getting them to vocalize their self talk to others & then change it
-method-self instructional training - stimulus response model
1.cs not (does not initially elicit) cr
2.ucs (elicits) ucr
3.cs + ucs (presented together elicit) ucr
4.repeat #3 a few times
5.cs (elicits) cr - limitations of reality therapy
-too much hee & now
-ignores biology
-too simple
-overly moralistic
-depends on verbal interaction
-keeps changing focus
-depends on good couselor client relationship -
reality therapy
choice theory - individuals are ultimately self determining
- behavioral techniques
1. use of reinforcers:
a)reinforcer-when they follow a behavior they increase the probability of the bahvior reoccuring
b)positive reinforcer-considered pleasurable by the affected person
c)negative reinforcer-aversive stimulus is removed when a desired behavior has occured. ex.mother nags daughter until she does the dishes
d)primary reinforcer-valued intrinsically. ex.food
e)secondary reinforcer-some kind of token. ex.money
- goals in behavioral therapy
-make good adjustment
-eliminate negative behavior
-aquire healthy way of acting - Glasser-identity in early life has 2 critical periods:
1. 2-5:learn early socialization skills, need love, acceptance, guidence & involvement of their parents
2. 5-10:gain knowledge & self concept, failure identity if they have socialization difficulties - role of counselor in a behavioral orientation
-act as consultant, advisor, teacher, reinforcer & facilitator
-diagnosis-describe client according to behaviors they display (many in DSM) -
applied behavior analysis
operant conditioning
-how individuals operate in their environment
-person is rewarded or punished for actions, thereby learning to discriminate between behaviors that bring rewards and those that don't - counterconditioning
- once learned these associations can be unlearned, with new ones taking place
- applied behavioral analysis
-based on operant conditioning
-person must be involved as an active participant with the environment - social cognitive theory synonyms:
-observational learning
-social modeling
-vicarious learning - applied behavior analysis uses:
4.stimulus control - social cognitive thoery
- people aquire new knowledge and behavior by observing other people and event
social cognitive theory
Bandura - -saves time, energy and effort in aquiring a new skill
- counselor & client must reach mutually agreed on goal, 4 step to do so:
1.define the problem
2.take a dev. history
3.establish specific goals
4.determine the best methods for change - self instructional training
-counselor models appropriate behaviors
-client performs these behaviors while verbally repeating the reasons behind the actions -
cognitive behavioral technique
2.stress innoculation -
-preventive technique
-taught sets of coping skills to help them handle stressful events
-requires follow up sessions -
cognitive behavioral technique
3.thought stopping - -counselor suddenly yalls STOP when the client is thinking irrational thoughts
- associated with psychological need is:
-identity-dev. of a psychologically healthy selg
-success identity-love & worth
-failure identity-maladjusted personality with lack of confidence & the tendency to give up easily - strengths of the behavioral approach
-deals directly with symptoms
-focus is here & now
-several techniques available
-based on learning theory
-supported by research
-objective in defining & dealing with problems
reality therapy (Glasser)
focus on consiousness
-humans operate at a consious level
-they are not driven by unconsious forces or instincts -
reality therapy
-everyone has a health/growth force that is manifested on two levels: -
1. physical-need to obtain life sustaining necessities like food, shelter
2. psychological-belonging, power, freedom & fun - limitations of behavioral approach
-deals only with explicit behavior
-approach is applied machanically
-best under controlled conditions that can't be replicated in normal counseling seesions
-ignores past history
-does not consider dev. stages -
reality therapy
-emphasizes choices that people can make to change their lives
-flexible, friendly, firm & action oriented -
reality therapy
2 general concepts -
1.the environment necessary for conducting counseling
2.procedures leading to change