Synonyms - Grade 5
undefined, object
copy deck
- At school we follow the same ROUTINE each day.
- schedule
- A thread DANGLED from the hem of her skirt.
- unraveled
- The man wants to CONSULT his doctor before he takes medicine.
- talk with
- The dewdrops GLISTEN in the morning Sun.
- shine
- John and Beth are REHEARSING for the play.
- practicing
- The VICIOUS dog growled at us.
- dangerous
- I don't mean to DISAPPOINT you, but your idea will not work.
- upset
- I like to EXPAND my mind by reading a lot.
- broaden
- Do you think you can NAVIGATE the canoe down this river?
- guide
- Are there any seats AVAILABLE near the window?
- unoccupied
- The hikers took an EXPEDITION to the top of the mountain.
- trip
- The police officer will INVESTIGATE the crime.
- look into
- George and Fred got into a DISPUTE over whose turn it was.
- argument
- Are you POSITIVE that this is the right road?
- sure
- The blanket felt rather COARSE against my sunburned skin.
- rough
- The parking lot was VACANT by the time I finished shopping.
- empty
- This cold weather keeps LINGERING even though it is spring!
- staying
- Michael RESEMBLES his dad.
- looks like
- The EWE lost her lamb somewhere in the field.
- female sheep
- That CONSTELLATION is called "Leo" because it looks like a lion.
- group of stars