undefined, object
copy deck
- ____ can contain any combination of letters, numbers, spaces, and any other special characters
- Text Entries
- ____ can include only the digits 0-9 and any of the special characters
- Number Entries
- The ____ feature makes some basic assumptions about the text you are typing and, based on theses assumptions, automatically corrects it.
- AutoCorrect
- ____ locates misspelled words, duplicate words, and capitalization irregularities in the active worksheet and proposes the correct spelling
- Spelling Checker
- ____is supplied with the program
- Main Dictionary
- You can create a ___ to hold words you commonly use but that are not included in the main dictionary.
- Custom Dictionary
- ___ are words with similar meaning.
- Synonyms
- ___ are words with an opposite meaning
- Antonyms
- An entry that is copied leaves the original, called the ____, and inserts a duplicate at a new location called the ____
Source or Copy Area
or Paste Area - A ___ is an equation that performs a calculation on data contained in worksheet.
- Formula
- The resulting value from formulas is a ___ value because it can change if the data it depends on changes.
- Variable
- An ____ is a symbol that specifies the type of numeric operation to perform (+ , -, /, *)
- Operator
- A ____ is a cell or range reference in a formula whose location is interpreted by Excel in relation to the position of the cell that contains the formula.
- Relative Reference
- A ___ is a prewritten formula that performs certain types of calculations automatically.
- Function
- An ___ is the data the function uses to perform the calculation.
- Argument
- When a number in the reference cell in a formula changes, Excel automatically ____ all formulas that are dependent upon the changed value.
- Recalculates
- A ___ also known as a ____, is a set of characters with a specific design
- Font/Typeface
- ___ fonts have a flair at the base of each letter that visually leads the reader to the next level.
- Serif
- ____ fonts do not have a flair at the base of each letter.
- Sans Serif
- ____ is the height and width of the character, measure in Points.
- Size
- One ___ equals about 1/72 inch.
- Point
- ___ change the appearance of numbers on screen and when printed, without changing the way the number is stored or used in calculations.
- Number Formats
- A ___ consists of a combination of formats that have been named and that can be quickly applied to a selection.
- Style
- A ___ is a non-text element or object, such as a drawing or picture, that can be added to a document.
- Graphic
- An ___ is an item that can be sized, moved, and manipulated.
- Object
- A ___ is part of the Excel workbook.
- Drawing Object
- A ___ is an illustration such as a scanned photograph.
- Picture
- A ___ is a visual representation of data that is used to convey information in an easy-to-understand and attractive manner.
- Chart
- The ___, also called the category axis, is the bottom boundary line of the chart and is used to label the data being charted.
- X-Axis
- The left boundary line of the chart is the ___, also called the Value Axis
- Y-Axis
- In 3-D charts there can also be an additional axis, called the ___, which allows you to compare data within a series more easily.
- Z-Axis
- A ___ is a graphic object that is created using charting feature included in Excel.
- Chart Object
- An ___ becomes part of the sheet in which it is inserted and is saved as part of the worksheet when you save the workbook file.
- Embedded Chart
- A ___ is two or more objects that behave as a single object when moved or sized.
- Group
- ____ provide additional information about a data marker.
- Data Labels
- A ___ is a line or several lines of text that appear at the top of a page just above the top margin line.
- Footer
- An ___ is a cell or range reference in a formula whose location does not change when the formula is copied.
- Absolute Reference
- A cell reference can also be a ____.
- Mixed Reference
- Each sheet in a workbook can be assigned a descriptive ___ to help identify the contents in the sheet.
- Sheet Name
- The ___ feature makes entering a series of heading easier by logically repeating and extending the series.
- AutoFill
- The formula contains a ____ consisting of the name of the sheet, followed by an exclamation point and the cell or range reference.
- Sheet Reference
- A ____ consists of the names of the beginning and ending sheets enclosed in quotes and separated by a colon.
- 3-D Reference
- The ____ feature helps you quickly find specific information and automatically replaces it with new information.
- Find and Replace
- The ___ feature allows you to divide a worksheet window into sections, making it easier to view different parts of the worksheet at the same time
- Split Window