my words 3
undefined, object
copy deck
- bombastic (adj)
- High-sounding but unimportant.
- invidious (adj)
- Worthy of envy; desirable; likely to produce ill will.
- conceit (noun)
- A fanciful idea or a strained, complex metaphor.
- To eradicate; root out; destroy; exterminate.
- ferret (verb)
Search out and bring to light; to drive out from a hiding place.
Here is an example of it in use:
Aided by his X-ray vision and his mental telepathy, the superhero had far greater success in ferreting out criminals than did the city police. - garish (adj)
- Overly showy; too bright; gaudy
- expiation (noun)
- Atonement, the making of amends.
- temerity (noun)
- Extreme venturesomeness; rashness.
- refractory (adj)
- Obstinate, stubborn, unmanageable.
- sluice (noun)
- An opening or channel through which anything flows.
- sacrosanct (adj)
- Inviolable, sacred
- suppliant (adj)
- Asking earnestly and submissively; entreating.
- cacophony (noun)
Harsh, dissonant sounds.
Here is an example of it in use:
Eric thought the cacophony in the daycare was delightful; he loved the chaotic sounds of squealing, shouting, and laughter all jumbled together. - indolent (adj)
- Lazy, given to inactivity
- Easily led; tractable; complying; yielding to motives, persuasion, or instruction; capable of being drawn out.
- sundry (adj)
- Various; miscellaneous
- Threatening or menacing
- tendentious (adj)
- Favoring a certain (often unpopular) point of view..
- perigee (noun
- The lowest or closest point; the point of a satellite's orbit that is nearest to the earth
- remonstrance (noun)
- A pointing out; manifestation; proof; demonstration..
- One who entreats or asks submissively
- levity (noun)
- Inappropriately funny behavior..
- vitriol (noun)
- Sharpness or bitterness of feeling..
- To enlarge or elaborate upon something; to go on in great detail.
- propitiate (verb)
- To win the favor of; to cause to become favorably inclined; to appease..
- promulgate (verb)
- To publish; declare; proclaim; make known by open declaration..
- Dishonorable; shameful.
- To make uncomfortable, upset; to disturb (someone's) self-possession; to confuse.
- arrogate (verb)
- To assume, or claim as one's own; to take over without due cause..
- deferential (adj)
- Showing courteous or ingratiating respect..
- pugnacious (adj)
- Disposed to fight..
- quisling (noun)
- A traitor
- disingenuous (adj)
- Deceitful; giving false appearance of openess and candor..
- Obstinate, stubborn, unmanageable
- halcyon (adj)
- Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy..
- impertinent (adj)
- Not to the point, irrelevant, inapplicable; trifling; frivolous; against good manners..
- To continue; to retain a certain state
- traduce (verb)
To expose to contempt or shame; to represent as blamable; to calumniate; to vilify; to defame. . Here is an example of it in use:
Not satisfied with expelling Shelley from their clique, the high school girls went on to traduce her by starting a series of vicious rumours. - abrogate (verb)
- To repeal, as in a law; to annul something through an authoritative act..
- bivouac (verb)
- To watch at night or be on guard, as a whole army; to encamp for the night without tents or covering..
- tensile (adj)
- Capable of extension
- having good luck, favorable
- evil, wicked
- affected (adj )
- Insincere, artificial
ingenuous -
ignominous= dishonerable, shameful
ingenuous= Lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness; artless.
Openly straightforward or frank; candid. See Synonyms at naive. - invective (noun)
- abusive, insulting language
inculcate -
placate=To calm, soothe or appease, often through concessions or offerings.
inclulcate= Teach something by frequent repetition or repeated warnings.. - avid (adj)
- eager, longing for
- portent (noun)
An omen, a harbinger, a sign of something that is yet to happen.. Here is an example of it in use:
When the water mysteriously drained out of her aquarium one afternoon, the young woman took it as a portent warning her not to go on the fishing expedition she had been planning. - VITUPERATIVE
- Containing, or characterized by, abuse; scolding
- redoubtable (adj)
- Formidable; valiant; terrible to foes..
- stultify (verb
- to make foolish
- peremptory (adj)
- Disallowing delay, commanding, expressing urgency; decisive and imperious
- proscribe (verb)
- Declare to be illegal, disallow or condemn as unacceptable or harmful
- Apt or disposed to find fault
- Completely sealed; airtight
- Diffusing a flood of light; shining; luminous; beaming; bright; splendid.
- saturnine (adj)
- Heavy, gloomy, dull..
- captious (adj)
- Apt or disposed to find fault
- untoward (adj)
- Inconvenient or unexpected
expurgate = To purify; to clear from anything noxious, offensive, or erroneous.
expatiate= To enlarge or elaborate upon something; to go on in great detail. - abrogate
- to repeal a law
- Clever talk designed to deceive or evade.
- The hairs or feathers around an animal's neck
- talisman (noun)
- Figure superstitiously believed to bring wonderful effects..
- equivocate (verb)
- To use ambiguous expressions with a view to mislead..
- vouchsafe (verb)
- To condescend to grant; to concede; to bestow..
- droll (adj)
- Funny, in a strange way
- troth (noun)
- Belief; faith; fidelity; truth.
- polemic (noun)
- Art or practice of argument and disputation
- To give a faint shadow or slight representation of; to outline; to shadow forth.
- inculcate (verb)
- Teach something by frequent repetition or repeated warnings..
- ignominious (adj)
- dishonorable, shameful
- State of extreme poverty
- One who speaks a number of languages
- proviso (noun)
- Clause in a contract or agreement that introduces a condition..
- wrds refering to honesty, frankness
- guileless and ingenuous
- Worthy of envy; desirable; likely to produce ill will.
- repugnant (adj)
- Hostile; disposed to war; offensive
- hubris (noun)
- Excessive pride
- funny in a strange way
- To make foolish.
- calumniate (Verb)
- to slander or defame
- Hostile, opposed. Acting against, adverse and damaging.
- mendacious
- Given to deception or falsehood; lying
- exculpate (verb)
- To release from blame
- recondite (adj)
- Learned, profound and difficult to understand, abstruse..
- bilk (verb
- To frustrate or disappoint; to deceive or defraud
- lissome (adj)
Thin and flexible; moving with grace
(similar to lithe) - enjoin (verb)
- To give an injunction to; to direct with authority; to order..
- Approval; sanction; commendation
- collusion (noun)
secret agreement for fraudulent, illegal, or treacherous purposes.. Here is an example of it in use:
The fact that all gas stations set very similar prices has led many to suspect collusion by the oil companies. -
arrogate (verb
abrogate -
arrogate=To assume, or claim as one's own; to take over without due cause..
abrogate=To abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority