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BADM 310 Ch. 15


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two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain standards
a group whose members work intensely with one anotehr to achieve a specific common goal or objective
performance gains that result when individuals and departments coorindate their actions
formal groups
a group that managers establish to achieve organizational goals
informal groups
a group that managers or nonmanegerial employees form to help achieve their own goals or meet their own needs
top management team
a group composed of the CEO, the president, and the heads of the most important departments
research and development teams
a team whose members have the expertise and experience needed to develop new products
command groups
a group composed of subordinates who report to the same supervisor;
task force
a committee of managers or nonmanagerial employees from various departments or divisions who meet to solve a specific, mutual problem
self-managed work teams
a group of employees who supervise their own activities and monitor the quality of the goods and services they provide
virtual teams
a team whose members rarely never meet face-to-face but rather, interact by using various forms of information technology such as email, telephone and fax
synchronous technologies
lets virtual team members communicate and interact with one another in real time simultaneously
asynchronous technology
email, electronic bulletin boards, web sites
friendship groups
an informal group composed of employees who enjoy one another's company and socialize with one another
interest groups
an informal group composed of employees seeking to achieve a common goal realted to their members in an organization
elements of group dynamics (5)
group size, taks and roles, group leadership, group development, group norms and group cohesiveness
division of labor
splitting the work in to be performed into particular tasks and assigning tasks to individual workers
task interdependence
the degree to which work to be performed by one member of a group influences the work performed by other members
pooled task interdependence
the task interdependence that exists when group members make seperate and independent contributions to group performance
sequential task interdependence
the task interdependence that exists when group members must perform specific tasks in a predetermined order
reciprocal task interdependence
the task interdependence that exists when the work performed by each group member is fully dependent on the work performed by other group members
group role
a set of behaviors and taks that a member of a group is expected to perform because of his or her position in the group
role making
taking the initiative to modify an assigned role by assuming additional responsibilities
5 stages of group development
forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
when members try to get to know one another and reach a common understanding of what the group is trying to accomplish and how group members should behave
group members experience conflict and disagreements because some members do not wish to submit to the demands of other group members
close ties between group members develop
the real work of the group gets accomplished
applies only to groups that are disbanded
group norms
shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group members follow
group cohesiveness
the degree to which members are attracted to or loyal to their group
social loafing
the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they work in groups than when they work alone

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