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M1-C2-L24 --> Overview of the Synaptic Transmission


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T/F - Protein synthesis occurs inthe presynaptic area.
False. In humans, proteins are made in the cell body.
What are the 5 steps of neurotransmission?
1. Uptake/Synthesis
2. Storage
3. Release
4. Reception
5. Inactivation
What is the primary mechanism for NT release?
What are the three ways in which inactivation of neurotransmission can occur?
1. Catabolism
2. Re-uptake
3. Uptake
Reuptake (uptake1) is dependent on what?
Na+ dependent
Uptake 2 is dependent on what?
Na+ dependent
Uptake 1 is specific for what?
Neurons using THAT neurotransmitter
What does it mean that the NT do "kiss and run."
Vesicles doesn't release all the NT's.
T/F - Chemical neurotransmitters are all or non mechanisms.
False - they are graded
Describe the affinity of peptidergic neurotransmission
Greater than chemical NT
Describe the inactivation of peptidergic NT's.

NO uptake
What is Dale's principle.
All terminals of the same neuron release the same neurotransmitter(s).
T/F - The distribution pattern of neuropeptides are random.
False - Neither general nor random.
T/F - Certain neuropeptides co-exist with other specific chemical NT's.
False - no obvious rules determining which neuropeptides coexist with which other transmitters.
T/F - Peptidergic NT's have very specific behavioral and physiological effects.

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