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Hand and Arm Signals


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Carry the hand to the shoulder palm to the front then thrust the hand upward vertically to the full extent of the arm and hold it in that position until the signal is understood
Halt - after
After you receive and pass on the signal you stop and take a knee and face outboard providing security
Make the signal for Halt and make a fist with the hand
Decrease Speed
Extend the arm horizontally to the side palm to the front and wave arm downward several times keeping the arm straight - Arm does not move above the horizontal
Extend the arm fully toward the leader or men for whom the signal is intended with fist closed - Open the fist exposing one finger for each 100 meters of range
Commence Firing
Extend the arm in front of the body hip high palm down and move it through a wide horizontal arc several times
Fire Faster
Execute rapidly the signal Commence Firing. For machine guns a change to the next rate of fire is prescribed
Fire Slower
Execute slowly the signal Commence Firing. For machine guns a change to the next lower rate of fire is required
Cease Firing
Raise the hand in front of the forehead palm to the front and swing the hand and forearm up and down several times in front of the face
Raise the hand vertically to the full extent of the arm fingers extended and joined palm to the front and wave in large horizontal circles with the arm and hand
Form Column
Raise either arm to the vertical position. Drop the arm to the rear describing complete circles in a vertical plane parallel to the body. The signal may be used to indicate either a troop or vehicular column
Are You Ready?/I Am Ready
Extend the arm toward the leader for whom the signal is intended hand raised fingers extended and joined then raise the arm slightly above horizontal palm facing outward
Extend the arm sideways slightly above horizontal palm to the front wave toward and over the head several times
Point to individuals or units concerned beat on chest simultaneously with both fists then point to location you desire them to move to
Skirmishers (Fire Team) Line Formation (Squad)
Raise both arms lateral until horizontal arms and hands extended palms down. If it is necessary to indicate a direction move in the desired direction at the same time. When signaling for fire team skirmishers indicate skirmishers right or left by moving the appropriate hand up and down. The appropriate does not depend on the direction the signaler is facing. Moving the left hand up and down will always indicate skirmishers left skirmishers right the right hand
Extend both arms downward and to the side at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizontal palms to the front
Extend arms at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal forming the letter V with arms and torso
Fire Team
The right arm should be placed diagonally across the chest
Extend the hand and arm toward the squad leader palm of the hand down distinctly move the hand up and down several times from the wrist holding the arm steady
Extend both arms forward palms of the hands down toward the leader(s) or unit(s) for whom the signal is intended and describe large vertical circles with hands
Open Up Extend
Start signal with arms extended in front of the body palms together and bring arms to the horizontal position at the sides palms forward. When repetition of this signal is necessary the arms are returned along the front of the body to the starting position and the signal is repeated until understood
Extend either arm vertically overhead wave the hand and arm to the front left right and rear the palm toward the direction of each movement
It is used to scatter and / or go in the direction given for example if you get attack by mortars or artillery
Leaders Join Me
Extend arm toward the leaders and beckon leaders with finger as shown
I Do Not Understand
Face toward source of signal raise both arms to the side to the horizontal at hip level bend both arms at elbows palms up and shrug shoulders in the manner of the universal I Don't Know
Forward Advance to the Right (Left) To the Rear (Used when starting from the halt)
Face and move in the desired direction of march at the same time extend the arm horizontally to the rear then swing if overhead and forward in the direction of movement until it is horizontal palm down
Change Direction Or Column (Right or Left)
Raise the hand that is on the side toward the new direction across the body palm to the front and then swing the arm in a horizontal arc extending arm and hand to point in the new direction
Enemy in Sight
Hold the rifle horizontally with the stock in the shoulder the muzzle pointing in the direction of the enemy. Aim in on the enemy target and be ready to engage him if he detects your presence
Dismount Down Take Cover
Extend arm to the side at an angle of 45 degrees above horizontal palm down and lower it to side. Both arms may be used in giving this signal. Repeat until understood. Dismount is used for getting out of a vehicle. Down is used for getting down in the keeling or prone position. Take cover is used for getting down and taking cover. Dismount after you receive and pass on the signal you get out of the vehicle and get in the prone position in your designated area of security. Take cover after you receive and pass on the signal you will get down in the prone position and you will take cover behind the nearest cover possible a tree a rock and provide security in your sector of fire. Down after you receive and pass on the signal you get down in the kneeling or prone position and provide security in your sector of fire
With the hand extended downward at the side with the palm out raise arm to the side and upward to an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. Repeat until understood
Disregard Previous Command
Face the unit or individual being signaled then raise both arms and cross them over the head palms to the front
Right (Left) Flank (Vehicles Craft or Individuals Turn Simultaneously)
Extend both arms in direction of desired movement. It is used to turn you unit all at the same time in the same direction
Increase Speed/Double Time
Carry the hand to the shoulder fist closed rapidly thrust the fist upward vertically to the full extent of the arm and back to the shoulder several times. This signal is also used to increase gait or speed
Hasty Ambush Right (Left)
Raise fist to shoulder level and thrust it several times in the desired direction
Rally Point
Touch the belt buckle with one hand and then point to the ground
Objective Rally Point
Touch the belt buckle with one hand point to the ground and make a circular motion with the hand. It is used as the last covered and concealed position you are located at before and after you attack your objective
Danger Area
Draw the right hand palm down across the neck in a throat-cutting motion from left to right. It is used to let Marines know that there is a danger area ahead
Head Count
Tap the top of the helmet with an open hand. It is used when the patrol or unit is halted and to signal that the patrol leader needs a count of all Marines on the patrol or movement for his unit. After you receive and pass on the signal you count off in the order you are in I am 1 you are 2 I am 2 you are 3) The assistant patrol leader will get a second count to verify that it is correct

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