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Linux 5


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What kind of variable can you name & assign a value to? What kind is already named but you can still change value for?
user and environment
The default for a variable is that it is only seen by process which it was defined (not to parent processes). This is referred to as?
private or local variables
to make a variable global, use this built in command?
To see the value of a variable name type:
echo $variable name
These are short user variables designed to rename proper commands to something shorter or easier to remember?
the syntax for creating an alias is?
alias name="command"
where must aliases be entered for system wide use
you can define your own personal aliases by modifying this file in your home directory
You normally need to logout & back in for .bashrc aliases to take affect. However, you can activate them immediately by typing:
"source .bashrc" or ". .bashrc"
Which command would you use to check the value for the variable DISPLAY?
You changed several environment variables in the bash shell. Which command will allow you to make your changes available to the child processes?
To add another directory to your path, issue this command?
PATH=$PATH:/directory_name; export PATH
To permanently modify your path, edit this file in your home directory?
To change a path for all users edit this file?
How do you run a command that is not in your working directory? If the command is in your home directory?
./command, ~/command
What command can you run to see the value of your prompt, path, etc..?
What command would you type to temporarily add the date/time to your shell prompt?
PS1='Date: \d Time: \t->>'; export PS1
To modify the prompt so it shows the shell and current directory, type the command
PS1='\s:\w' ; export PS1
To make the change in your prompt permanent edit 1 of these files?
.bash_profile or .profile
What's the default name of the event history log in your home directory?
you can review prior commands typed by typing this?
history "x" (where "x"= # of prior commands to view).
what built in command would you use to see or run the last 17 entries of your history file?
fc -l
To make a command run in the background, use this option?
Use this command to suspend a running program & put it in the background? Use this command to bring back to foreground? Used this to kill the process?
To see a list of currently running processes use this command?
This util lets you look at running processes, stats on memory & the swap file?
This command can be used to lower the priority of a running process?
When using nice, what is the highest priority that can be given to a process? The lowest?
-20 highest, 19 lowest
This command allows you to see a list of commands that are running in the background and which jobs are stopped or suspended.
What command will allow a suspeneded job to be brought to the foreground? What switch allows you to specificy specific job
fg, fg $name

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