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Online Learning


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A type of communication that can occur at any time and at irregular intervals, meaning that people can communicate online without a pattern of interaction. Examples in WebCT include email and Discussions.

Lists the path of screens that a user has visited.

The browser's temporary storage area fro Web pages and images.
Content Module
A tool within WebCT used to present sequential (web) pages of course content.

The act of selecting text (and possible graphics) in a digital document, choosing the Copy function in the Edit menu, moving to a new document or space and pasting the content in place. Keyboard short cuts:

Copy: Ctrl+C

Paste: Ctrl+V <

Course Menu
Provides access to the elements of a course within WebCT.
Discussion Board
A forum type space on the web for posting questions, stories, thoughts, etc... for others to read and post reactions to.
Grabbing digital content from a system server and saving it on your computer harddrive or disk.
A popular rich media software and plug-in player for your Internet Browser. The player is free. The software is famous for animation and interactive capabilities.
Links to context-sensitive online help regarding the WebCT system.

The initial page that displays for a course and is the entry point for every course.
HyperText Markup Language. The language or coding used to create Web pages.
A network-oriented programming language invented by Sun Microsystems used to create animations, calculators, and other fancy tricks in web pages.
A programming language developed by Netscape used in web pages, usually to add features, such as rollovers, that make the page more interactive.
Menu Bar

The portion of the WebCT screen that provides links to myWebCT, Resume Course, Course Map, Help, and Content resources.

A web page that includes links to all courses in which the "logged on" user is enrolled or is teaching.
Navigation Bar
The portion of the WebCT screen (left edge) that displays the Control Panel and the Course Menu.
Portable Document Format. A popular file format for document delivery on the web. Created by the fine people at Adobe. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this type of file. The reader is a free downloadable plug-in.
Helper programs for your Internet Browser. These little programs assist in running multimedia type applications that browsers can't run on their own.
Resume Course

In WebCT enables students to return to the last page they viewed (in a Content Module) before they last exited the course.
A type of communication in which those communicating do so at the same time. An example is chat where people are all typing at the same time.
Moving digital content from your computer or disk to a system server for storage or sharing.

A course development and management system that includes numerous tools for use with online instruction. Tools include content modules, quizzes/surveys, discussions, assignments, an online grade book, and lots more.

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