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mech and use TCA (incl specific uses of 2)
mech: block reuptake NE, serotonin
use: depression, bedwet (imipramine), OCD (clomipramine)
SE phenytoin
nystagmus, diplopia, ataxia, sedation, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, anemias, teratogen, peripheral neuro, rare malignant hyperthermia
Lithium, mech and use
mech: ? inhibits phosphoinositol cascade
use: bipolar, acute/relapse mania
alpha agonist used in glaucoma to decr aq humor syn (no SE)
cholinomimetics used tx glaucoma: names, mech, SE
pilocarpine, carbachol, physiostigmine, echothiophate
SE: miosis, cyclospasm
a benzo
Neostigmine (3 uses)
anti CE, used for post-op ileus and urinary retention, MG, reversal NMJ block
SE valproic acid (3)
measure LFT, rare but fatal hepatotoxicity
NT defects (spina bifida), GI
anti psych
mech tardive dyskinesia
oral facial mvmt due to D R sensitization long term anti-psych use
evolution EPS SE
4h acute dystonia
4mo tradive dyskinesia (irrev)
barbituate used in induction anesth
HTN crisis w tyramine and meperidine, CNS stim
contraindicated w SSRI, b agonist!!!
tx OD benzos
flumazenil (competit antag at GABA R)
5 ex DA agents used in PD
Ldopa/carbidopa, bromocriptine, pramipexole, ropinirole, amantadine
what use for atropine OD
physistigmine (anti CE)
general toxicity of antipsych
EPS, sedation, endo, SE from blocking muscarinic, alpha and His R
for partial sz only,
mech: block Na channels, increase GABA action
ex MAOI used in PD,
selegiline, selective MAO B inhibitor
SE Lithium (4)
tremor, hypothyroid, polyuria (nephrogenic DI), teratogen.
narrow therapeutic range requires close monitor serum levels
serotonin syndrome
SSRI + MAOI (hyperthermia, mscl rigidity, CVS collapse)
advantages of atypical anti psych
useful for + and - sx
fewer EPS, antichol
valproic acid
used in t/c sz and absence sz,
mech increase Na channel inactiv, incr GABA concentration
selegiline, mech, use, SE
used in PD as adjunct to Ldopa, inhibits MAO-B increasing availability of DA,
SE: may enhance adverse effects of L-dopa
2 TCA (less anti-chol than 3TCA)
SE ethosuximide
anti-epileptic but only for general sz, works by blocking thalamic T type Ca channels
GI distress, lethargy, HA, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson
name 4 SSRIs
anti-epileptic but only for general sz, works by blocking thalamic T type Ca channels
SE phenoxybenzamine
(irrev alpha blocker, used for pheo) orthostatic HTN, reflex tachycardia
SE topiramate
sedation, mental dulling, kidney stones, weight loss
heterocyclic blocks NE uptake use in depression
and tx?
1) Neuroeleptic malignant syndrome-rigidity, auto instability, hyperpyrexia
tx: dantrolene and D agonist
SE Phenobarbital
anti-epileptic for partial and general t/c, works by incr GABAa action
sedation, induce P450, tolerance, dependence
SE gabapentin
sedation, mvmt
mech: incr GABA release
anti-epileptic for partial and general t/c, works by incr GABAa action
toxicity of TCAs
convulsions, coma, cardiotoxicity (arrhythmias), respir depression, hyperpyrexia.
elderly: confusion, hallucinations (2/2 anti chol)
muscarinic cholinoR blockers include (4) (use)
atropine, beztropine (PD), scopolamine (motion sickness), ipratropium (asthma, COPD)
used in partial sz and generalized tonic clonic,
mech: blocks voltage gated Na
3 TCA, with more anti chol than 2 TCA
benzodiazepines: use, mech
use: anxity, spasticity, status epilepticus (diazepam), detox (EtOH wdrawal DT)
note: most have long t1/2 and active metabolites
SE trazodone
sedation, nausea, priapism, hypotension
antipsychotics name 4
thioridazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine, chlorpromazine
2 uses of phenytoin, mech
1) grand mal sz
use-dependent blockade of Na channels
phenytoin MOA
increases Na channel inactivation--use dependent Na channels
toxicity of SSRI
CNS stim, anxiety, insomnia, tremor, anorexia, N/V
-Serotonin syndrome w MAOI (hyperthermia, mscl rigidity, CVS collapse)
name atypical antipsych
clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone
TCA, least sedating
SE atypical anti-psych
fewer EPS and antichol, clozapine requires wkly WBC bc agranulocytosis
reversible alpha blocker (like irrev phenoxybenzamine) used for pheo
effect alpha 1 R
-vasoconstriction GI
heterocyclic, inhibit serotonin, NE, and D reuptake, use depression and general anxiety disorder

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