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management information system quiz


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Relational database
A database in which all data is stored in flat tables that meet the normalization rules. Tables are logically connected by matching columns of data. System data, such as access rights, descriptions, and data definitions are also stored in tables.
Any group of firms that are competing for customers and sales. Similar to competitors, but "competition" carries an economic definition involving many firms. Even an industry with two firms can experience rivalry.
The number of dots or pixels displayed per inch of horizontal or vertical space. Input and output devices, as well as images and video, are measured by their resolution. Higher values of dots-per-inch yield more detailed images.
Repetitive stress injury (RSI)
An injury that occurs from repeating a stressful action. For instance, several people have complained that constant typing damages their wrists. Ergonomic design, adjusting your workspace, and taking breaks are common recommendations to avoid repetitive stress.
A printed summary or screen display that is produced on a regular basis by a database management system. The main sections of a report are: report header, page header, group/break header, detail, group/break footer, page footer, and report footer.
A complete reorganization of a company. Beginning from scratch, you identify goals along with the most efficient means of attaining those goals, and create new processes that change the company to meet the new goals. The term re-engineering and its current usage were made popular in 1990 by management consultants James Champy and Michael Hammer.
A communication device that connects subnetworks together. Local messages remain within each subnetwork. Messages between sub-networks are sent to the proper location through the router.
Request for proposal (RFP)
A list of specifications and questions sent to vendors asking them to propose (sell) a product that might fill those needs.
Reverse engineering
The process of taking older software and rewriting it to modernize it and make it easier to modify and enhance. Reverse engineering tools consist of software that reads the program code from the original software and converts it to a form that is easier to modify.
Rocket scientists
Mathematically trained financial analysts who build complex mathematical models of the stock market and help create and price new securities.
Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA)
Three mathematicians who developed and patented a dual-key encryption system. The term often refers to the encryption technique. It is based on the computational difficulty of factoring very large numbers into their prime components.

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