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20th century places and terms


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apartness. A legal system of segregation adopted in S.Africa in 1948 which divided the people into white, black, asian, mixed and controlled their rights and liberties
Granting concessions to one in order to maintain peace and stability.
Cold war competition between the U.S. arms race
Government ruled by one person or group with unlimited authority
Montenegro, Bulgaria
Soviets refused to unify the 4th zone of Berlin. Tried to isolate western controlled Berlin
Berlin airlift
A concrete wall topped with barbed wire built by Khurushchev in 1961, to stop people fleeing from Communist E.Germany to the West.  Wall demolished in 1989
Berlin Wall
big four of 1919
Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Orlando
sudden massive attack by Germany Blitzkrieg


Followers of Vladimir I. Lenin who overthrew the czarist regime and established a new Bolsheviks
1900 Chinese rebellion using Chinese martial arts against foreigners and missionaries. Put down by British, Boxer Rebellion
Policy adopted by Communist block to counter anti-socialist forces: No Soviet satellite state will be allowed to separate from the Eastern block
Brezhnev Doctrine
President Eisenhower maintained the U.S. Brinkmanship
Neighbor of N.Vietnam, invaded by U.S under Nixon and Kissinger to clear North Vietnam
Causes of WWI





Causes of WWII

Failure of WWI peace treaty(peace not just causing anger and resentment


identify the CIA and KGB

Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti A demand for social, political and economic equality for colored people in the U.S.

civil rights movement
Foreign policy of Truman administration to take measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries
The culture of the young people who rejected mainstream American society in the 1960s seeking an alternate society based on peace, love and individual freedom.
Foreign policy under Eisenhower that dictates that if one nation falls under communist control then neighboring nations will also fall under the control
Domino Theory


Flexible policy by Nixon and Kissinger to negotiate and ease tensions when dealing with communist nations
located in Northwestern Vietnam Dien Bien Phu
a 1957 US commitment to d
Eisenhower Doctrine
rebellion against French authority from 1946-1954 led by Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Minh. France
First Indochina War
A nation-wide, centralized plan for economic development of USSR Five year plans

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