Ats 210 final
undefined, object
copy deck
- Ridge
- Fair weather, cool air
- Dendrite
- slowflake caused by vapor deposition
- what needs to be added to make ozone
- nitrogen oxide
- indian subcontinent winter
- dry weather
- indian subcontinent summer
- wet weather
- geostrophic balance
- when pressure gradient force is equal to corriolis force
- coriolis force
- compesation for the fact that the earth rotates. turns wind to the right
- Trough
- rain, warm air
- 12 z
- 12 PM
- 0 z
- midnight
- What time of day is the warmest
- 3-4 pm
- three ritz gases
- Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone
- Our earth is expected to raise_______ degrees next century
- 4 degrees celcius
- pollution thats formed through reactions in the air
- secondary pollution
- Area in the USA with severe acid rain
- north east
- When temperature is colder then dew point
- Dew
- When temperature is warmer then dew point
- neither occurs
- tells you how much water vapor is present in air
- vapor pressure
- Always increases with increasing temperature
- saturation vapor pressure
- tells you how near saturation the water vapor is in air
- relative humidity
- Front
- Mass of warm/cold air which advances over a region at the surface
- Dew point temperature
- temperature which an air parcel must be cooled in order to reach saturation
- High cloud with ice crystals
- cirrus
- low cloud stretches from horizon to horizon
- stratus
- three ways clouds form due to lifting
- convection, fronts, topography