Science (Weather)
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- What are the 3 major types of clouds?
- CIrrus, stratus, and Cumulus.
- Who Came up with the term Meteorology?
- Atistotle
- The Latin word Nimbus means_______?
- Rain
- What is the Latin difinition for Cirrus
- Feathery
- What is the Fujita damage scale?
- F0-F5
- Cyclones or twisters are ______?
- Tornados
- What does the Anometer do
- Measures wind speed
- What does the weather vane do?
- Measures Wind direction.
- The latin word Stratus means_______?
- Smooth-Sheet
- What did Fahrenheit invent?
- The temperature scale which 32* is freezing and 212* is boiling.
- Where is tornado alley?
- Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
- Torricelli invented the _________?
- Berometer
- What did celsius invent?
- The temperature scale from 0*(freezing) to 100*(boiling)
- What is a funnel cloud?
- A tornado that has not reached the ground yet.
- Lightning flows from ....?
1)Within the same cloud (most often)
2) Cloud to cloud
3)Cloud to ground - What is a Meteorologist?
- A person who studies weather patterns and is correct 85% of the time.
- Name 2 characteristics of lightning?
1) 54,000* F
2)Lightning heats the air. - What is fog?
- Low CLouds
- What are the 4 Lightning shapes?
4)Sheet - What did Galileo invent?
- The thermometer.
- When is tornado season?
- March to July
- The eye of a hurricane is ____ _____ and ____
- Very clear and calm
- Do tornados occur in every State?
- Yes
- In hurricanes water temperatures are _______ or higher.
- 79*
- What is a storm surge?
- Biggest Killer, Formed from rising water and high winds
- Other names for hurricanes are.......?
- Willy Willie,Typhoon, Tropical cyclone
- What do winds have to exceed to be called a hurricane?
- 74 m.p.h.
- What are the 6 elements of weather?
- Temperature, Precipitation, Wind clouds, Air pressure, Humidity and Visibility
- Which way does the weather move?
- West to east.
- What is the oldest weather instrument and what does it do?
- Rain guage measures rainfall amount.
- What is the day like when there is a low pressure system?
- Cloudy, rainy day
- What kind of day is it when there is a high pressure system?
- Clear, sunny day
- Who named the clouds?
- Howard
- What does the thermometer do?
- Measures Temperature.
- In Latin Alto means______?
- High
- The 3 different type strokes are .....?
1) Stepped Leader
2) Return
3)Dart leader - What did Benjamin Franklin Discover?
- Electricity
- What does Cumulus Mean in latin?
- Puffy