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2nd part Night flashcards


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What keeps Elie from allowing himself to die during the forced march?
His father being there with him. He felt he was his father's only support
In what way does the scene in the wagon between Meir and Meir's father contrast to the relationship of Elie and his father?
Meir killed his father for bread, but Elie's father saved him when he was being choked. Meir was only thinking of himself, but Elie's father still thought of his son.
Why does Juliek play his violin as he lays dying in the mass of bodies?
Juliek had brought his violin because he was afraid they would destroy it. He was dying at the point he played it. He played his life out through the violin. All his lost hopes, his past, his dying future. He also played Beethoven, a German piece the Jews were not allowed to play.
In what way is the fight over bread on the train similar to the scene that occurs years later on the passenger boat?
As the children rushed for the tossed coins, it reminded Elie of the people scrambling for the bits of bread. He remembered that each one was out for themselves and wasn't concerned about others being hurt.
Describe the weather conditions during the forced march.
The wind was icy cold, there was snow falling and there was a lot of snow on the ground
What almost happens to Elie's father if it had not been for Elie's intervention?
Elie's father fell asleep in the cold, but Elie woke him up and made him walk. If he hadn't done that, his father would have frozen to death.
For how long did they march, and what did those that were forced to march live on?
They marched two days and one night.
When they finished the forced march, at what camp do they arrive?
Camp Glewitz
How does Elie's attitude and feelings toward his father begin to resemble that of Rabbi Eliahou's son? What does he feel when his father dies and why?
He finally told himself it was too late to save his father, tried to talk himself into eating his father's ration of bread. When his father was hit, Elie did not move for fear of being hit himself. He did not try to protect his father.
When Elie's father died, he felt no tears and he felt that if he looked into his conscience, he would feel like he was free of his father at last. Free of the burden of having to stay alive for him.
What does Elie see in the mirror when he looks at his reflection for the first time since his imprisonment?
He sees a corpse gazing back at him and he felt, as he stared into his own eyes (the corpse in the mirror) he would never forget those eyes
What way is his reflected image symbolic of his internal self as well as a description of his physical appearance?
His body was wasted and looked like a corpse because he was so thin and emanciated. His inner self or soul felt wasted and emanciated too because of the losses and pain he had suffered.
Why can he never forget the look he saw in the eyes of his reflection?
His eyes showed the terrors, pain and loss he had been through. The memories of the horrors were reflected in his eyes and he would never forget them.

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