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If you purchase a private vehicle you have ____ days to transger ownership.
- 10
- If you sell a vehicle report it to the DMV within ____ days.
- 5
Out of state vehicles must be registered in _____ days.
- 20
- When you make your home in California you must apply for a license in ____ days.
- 10
- To replace a lost license it costs $___.
- 21
- When you move you must report it to the DMV in _____ days.
- 10
Basic Class C
You may drive:
- any 2-axle vehicle with a GVWR of 26,000 lbs. or less.
- any 3-axle vehicle weighing 6,000 lbs. or less gross.
- an
____ in _____ trafic fatalities is a pedestrian.
1 in 6
- While waiting to turn left keep your wheels _____.
pointed straight ahead.
- When two wehicles meet on a steep road where neither can pass, the vehicle facing downhill must____
- yield the right of way by backign up until the wehicle going uphill can pass.
- If you see a "DO NOT ENTER" or "WRONG WAY" sign ___
drive to the side of the road and stop.
Four sided diamond-shaped signs warn you of ____
- specific road conditions and dangers ahead.
- White rectangular signs mean ____
- you must obey important rules.
The basic speed law means _____
- you may never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.
The maximum spped limit on most CA highways is ____
65 mph where posted.
You may drive at ___ mph where posted
- 70
- Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit is ____ mph for vehicles towing trailers.
- 55
- The force of a 60 mph crash is ____ times as great as a 30 mph crash.
- 4
While in ____ feet of a school while children are outside or crossig the street the speed limit is ____ mph.
When a bus flashes red lights ______
- you must stop from either direction until the children have safely crossed the street and the lights have stopped flashing.
- If you don't stop for a bus with red flashing lights you will be fined $_______.
- 1000
The speed limit for blind intersections is _____ mph.
- 15
- An intersection si considered blind if there are
- no stop signs witin 100 feel during the last 100 feet before crossing.
- Flashing lights mean you must stop at the intersection at least ___ feet before the nearest track.
- 15
The speed limit when passing streetcars, trolleys, etc is no more than ____ mph
- 10
The speed limit in business or residence districts is ____ mph
- 25
- You can enter the bike lane when you are within ___ feet of the corner or driveway entrance.
- 200
- Pass traffic on the left. You may pass on the right only when:
An open highway is clearly marked for two or more lanes of travel in your direction.
The driver ahead is turning left.
Begin signaling for a left turn about ___ before the turn.
100 feet
Left turn against a red light _______
on a one way street only.
You may make a legal u turn in a residential district if
no vehicle approaching you is closer than 200 feet.
- You cannot make a u turn
in business districts. Areas with churches, apartment, clubs and public buildings (except schools).
- Parking on a sloping driveway ____
turn the wheels so the care will not roll into the street.
Headed downhill, turn your front wheels
into the curb.
Headed uphill, turn your wheels
away from the curb.
- Parking at white curbs
stop only long enough to pick up passengers or mail.
Parking at green curbs
only for a limited time.
Parking at yellow curbs
stop no longer than the time posted to load or unlaod passengers or freight.
Parking at red curbs
- NO
Parking at blue curbs
only for disabled.
To avoid last minute moves, look down the road ______ seconds ahead of your vehicle
10 to 15
- In the city 10 to 15 seconds is about _______. On the highway it's about _________
one block, a quarter mile
- To avoid tailgating use the _______
3 second rule.
Use the four second rule when_____
- crowded by tailgater, slippery roads, motorcycles on wet roads, someone wants to pass, towing, following large vehicles, merging on freeway
- At a traffic light or stop sign you should look _____
- both ways. First left, then right, then left again.
- To maintain a space cushion on each side of your car _______ (6)
don't stay in another's blindspot, avoid driving along side other cars, make room for cars entering freeway, keep space between parked cars, careful of bikes.
It is very important to check behind you before you: (4)
change lanes, slowing down quickly, driving down a long or steep hill, backing up.
If you race your car will be impounded for ____ days
- 30
If you race you will lose driving priviledges for ____
90 days or up to six months
If you race you could go to county jail for
24 hours to 90 days.
- At 55 mph it takes ______ feet to react and stop. At 35 mph it's ______.
400, 210
Turn on your lights during the day if _______
it's hard to see or you can't see for at least 1000 feet
- If you must drive in fog
drive slowly and use your low beam lights
You can drive with just your parking or fog lights when?
- Never
If another drive does not dim her lights (3)
don't look directl, look toward the right edge of your lane, watch the car out of the corner of your eye.
Many roads are most slippery when _____
if first starts to rain or snow because oil and dust have not been washed away.
When you can't see further than _____ feet ahead in heavy rain you cannot drive safely faster than _____ mph.
100, 30
Only pass on a hill or curve if you are at least _____ away from it.
1/3 mile
You may use your horn _____ (3)
- avoid accidents, get eye contact, narrow mountain roads where you can't see 200 feet.
If weather conditions require you to use your wipers you must
also turn on your headlights.
Don't use your horn _____
if slowing down or stopping will prevent an accident
Use your headlights when ______
it's cloudy, raining, snowing or foggy.
- Also use your headlights when ____
it's frosty, have trouble seeing, small country roads even in day, when necessary to get another's attention.
If you see an accident ahead ______
use your emergency singles
Never stop on a road
unless necessary for safty or to obey a law
If you are having car trouble _____
- pull off the road away from all traffic
If you are having trouble and cannot get completely off the road ______
- stop where people can see you from behind, turn on flashers, lift hood, place flares 200 - 300 feet behind the car.
At any time you merge you need a gap of _____ seconds.
- 4
Leave a space of ____ seconds between you and the car in front.
- 3
- Whenever you cross or enter a street or highway traffic from a full stop you need a gap of ____ block on a street and ______ block on the highway to get up to speed.
1/2 , 1
To exit the free way safely signal for about ____ seconds
- 5
- To pass on a highway if you are going 50 - 55 you need a ______ to _______ second gap.
10 to 12
- at 55 mph you will travel ____ feet in 10 to 12 seconds. That means you need over ______ feet to pass safely.
- When passing you are safe to move back in front of the car you are passing when you can _____
see both it's headlights in your rearview mirror.
All passengers 16 or over and that weigh over 60 pounds
- must wear seatbelts.
- If you are only wearing a lap belt your chancs of surviving an accident are ___ as good. If you have the shoulder strap, too they are _____ as good.
twice, three to four
Half of all traffic accidents happen _____ miles from home
- 25
If you stay inside your car during an accident your chances of survival are _____ as good.
Five times.
Children under the age of _____ and weighing less than ___ pounds must be in child passenger restraint system.
- An air bag needs about _____ inches to inflate
- 10
The average vehicle travelling at 55 mph needs _____ feet to stop. A truck needs _____ feet.
Generally speaking a truck blind zone -------
if you can see the driver he can't see you.
Always pass a truck on
- the left side.
- You may pass a bus, trolly etc where traffic is controlled by an officer at _____ mph
- 10
It is against the law to follow ____ behind an emergency vehicle.
300 feet
Slow moving vehicles have an______ on the back.
- Orange triangle
- when following a motorcycle leave a _____ gap
4 second
- When there is a blind person don't stop your car more than _____ feet from the crosswalk. (They listen.)
- 5
The fine is ____ at Safety enhanced double fine zones.
- double.
When approaching a roadside emergency along a highway driver must _____
slow down and move over.
Diamond shaped signs on a vehicle mean ____
the load on the vehicle is potentially dangerous.
In heavy rain travelling at 50 mph your car _____
can lose all contact with the road called hydroplaning.
Adjust your speed on wet roads by ______ and in snow by _____
five to ten mph slower and half
It is most slippery when _____
it starts to rain on a hot day.
If you skid
eas off the gas pedal, stop braking and turn in the direction of the skid
In an acceleration skid
to not apply the breaks
If involved in a accident you must
- stop. call 911 if someone is hurt, show license and registration card and insurance card
- You must report an accidet to the police or CHP in _____
24 hours
You must report an accident to the DMV in _____
10 days.
- The minimum amount of insurance you need is _____
15k for single death or injury, 30k for more than one person, 5 k for property.
When you have an accident report it to the DMV in ____ days if ______
- 10 days if there was more than $750 in damage or anyone was hurt.
Each driver must make a report of an accident using
- Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California Form (SR1)
- It takes about ____ for a body to get rid of a drink
1 hour
The BAC limit for any person driving is ____. For commercial it's _____
If your BAC was higher than .20% your license will be suspended for _____ months.
- 10
The DMV keeps a record off all your traffic convictions for _____ months
- 36