french past tenses
undefined, object
copy deck
- background information (what the weather was like, what people were doing, what was going on, setting & time frame)
- l'imparfait
habitual, repetitive action (describe/state past events that were repeated for an unspecified period or number of times)
key words: souvent, d'habitude, chaque semaine, toujours, tous les jours, tous les lundis, etc.
- l'imparfait
conditions or states of mind (to describe states or conditions that continued over an unspecified period of time)
key words: savoir, connaître, penser, être, avoir, vouloir, pouvoi, aimer, détester
- l'imparfait
continuous actions (to describe how things were or to describe an action that was going on when another action -in the passé composé- interrupted it
- l'imparfait
venir de + infinitive (to describe an action that had just happened)
- l'imparfait
- inviting someone to do something
- l'imparfait
suggesting a course of action
- l'imparfait
expressing a wish or regret
- l'imparfait
completed, isolated action
- passé composé
- action completed in a specified period of time
passé composé
action that happened a specific number of times
- passé composé
series of events
- passé composé
change in state or condition
- passé composé
je savais
i knew
je pouvais
i could/was able
- je voulais
i wanted (to)
j'ai su
i found out
j'ai pu
i succeeded in
j'ai voulu
i tried to
- je n'ai pas voulu
i refused to
primarily used in narration to report events that had already happened or had been completed before another past event took place
- plus-que-parfait
il avait dit...
(he had said...)
- plus-que-parfait
il a dit...
(he said/has said/did say...)
- passé composé
il disait...
(he said/was saying/used to say...)
- l'imparfait
il venait de dire...
(he had just said...)
venir (imparfait) de + infinitive
il disait... depuis...
(he had been saying... for...)
imparfait + depuis
expresses a wish or regret about pas events
plus-que-parfait + si
si seulement j'avais gagné...