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Nehah's Biology Vocab


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Central nervous system (CNS)
brain and spinal cord, command station
Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
stimulates thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones
refractory period
short time period after action potential, cannot fire second actional potential
vertebrate group
fish, amphibians, birds' nervous system similar to humans
adrenal cortex (outer layer)
secretes steroid hormones: sex steroids, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids
chemical to pass impulse from neuron to neuron, contained in axon
(CNS) involuntary acts (breathing, blood pressure regulation) its primitive
secretes hormones, digestive enzymes
(CNS) coordinates muscle movement and balance to keep it smooth
sex steroids
from adrenal cortex: not significant b/c primary source are gonads
palisade layer
most of photosynthesis occurs here, lies under surface of plant
making of new glucose in liver
a tissue that carries food from palisade layer, contains sieve and companion cells
sensory neurons
part of PNS, involved in sending info to CNS from sensory organs of body
target organ: liver, cause liver to make glucose from fats and proteins and to release new glucose into blood, also targets other cells to use fats for fuel instead of glucose, also strong anti-inflammatory agents, EX: cortisol
parathyroid glands
four glands, very small and in back of thyroid gland, secretes parathormone
Acetylcholine (ACh)
most common neurotransmitter
part of stamen, makes the pollen
anything that sticks off of something else in body, ex: axon,dendrite
electrical signals between body parts, carried by neurons (dendrite-cell body-axon)
anterior pituitary gland
MAKES and secretes (6): growth hormone(GH), Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH), ACTH, Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), Luteinizing hormone(LH), Prolactin
adrenal glands
sit on top (superior) of kidneys, not part of kidney
activates cells in bone that remove calcium from blood and use it to build new bone, effect: to reduce blood calcium levels
released after childbirth, stimulates mammary glands to make breast milk
nodes of Ranvier
spaces between Schwann cells, only portions that fire action potentials
flowering plants
threshold potential
potential at which voltage gated channels open (-50 mV)
Somatic nervous system
(PNS) voluntary system, control skeletal muscles, (ACh is neurotransmitter, binds to muscle and causes muscle to depolarize and contract)
all stimulatory input and all inhibitory input and add them up
resting membrane potential
-70 mV in neuron, inside of cell is more negative than outside
Growth Hormone (GH)
targets all organs/tissues, causes them to grow, also stimulates cell-turnover rate in adults
part of CNS, often connect sensory and motor neurons, completely within brain and spinal cord
transports water and minerals upward to the plant ex cells: tracheids and vessel elements
membrane potential gets more positive
Sympathetic Division
(ANS) "fight or flight", helps prepare body for stress situations, increases heartbeat, BP, breath rate,(neurotransmitter is norepinephrine)
impulse transmitted throughout neuron
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
causes kidneys to retain water, AKA vasopressin
nerve cells, carry impulses
chemicals made by endocrine glands, then secreted into blood
when neuron is at rest, no impulses carried (-70 mV)
effect of epinephrine and norepinephrine
to increase and prolong effects of sympathetic nervous system
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
any neurons outside of brain and spinal cord, in organs and skin, network of nerves that connect command station to other organs
forms megaspores that can divide to form eggs and polar bodies
cell-turnover rate
rate at which older cells are replaced with newer cells
part of stamen, supports the anther
Thyroid gland
secretes thyroxine and calcitonin, located in anterior (front) part of neck
action potential
sequence of events, occurs in axon as impulse is carried through
affects most of body's cells, makes them increase metabolic rate (makes them work harder and use more energy), (gas if body is car), contains Iodine
made from cells called microspores that mature into pollen grains, made in the male component
target organ
organs affected by a particular hormone
saltatory conduction
jumping conduction node to node
target: kidneys, EX: aldosterone
nervous system of arthropods and annelids
have ventral nerve cord, brain, and series of ganglia along nerve cord
inner fluid of chloroplasts, contain thylakoids
opposite of calcitonin, activates cells in bone to dissolve bone to release calcium into blood, effect: to increase blood calcium levels
membrane potential returns to resting value
layer of wax on the epidermis of leaf
move away from threshold potential
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
target organs are gonads, FEMALE: stimulates ovaries and maturation of ova and release of estrogen. MALE: stimulates testes to make sperm
peptide hormones
amino-acid based, cause effects rapidly by turning existing enzymes in cell on or off, bind to receptors out of cell
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
stimulates adrenal cortex (outer layer of adrenal gland) to secrete its hormones
companion cells
help sieve cells with their metabolic functions
spinal cord
(CNS) involved in primitive, reflex actions
openings of bottom surface of leaf, site of gas exchange and water
recieves impulse first, part of neuron
cell body, includes all cellular material and organelles
depolarize toward threshold potential
sodium-potassium pump
uses ATP molecule, move 3 sodium ions out of cell and 2 potassium ions (both positive ions) inside of neuron
causes uterus to contract in childbirth and causes mammary glands to release breast milk
motor neurons
part of PNS, involved in sending info from CNS to organs of body,ex: muscles, glands
leak channels
potassium channels, always open and allow potassium to leak out of cell
sieve cells
transport food from palisade layer
(CNS) maintains body homeostasis, monitors hormone levels, electrolyte balance, temperature
adrenal medulla (inner layer)
secretes (2): epinephrine and norepinephrine, output: 80% epinephrine, 20% norepinephrine, both have similar chemical structures(bind to same receptors and same target organs)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
targets gonads, FEMALE: stimulates ovaries to develop a corpus luteum, MALE: stimulates testes to make testosterone
stacks of thylakoids
Parasympathetic Division
(ANS) "resting anddigesting", most active when you are at rest, decreases heartbeat, BP, breath rate, stimulates activity in digestive system
female part of plant, consists of stigma, ovule, ovary
point where impulse gets transferred (neuron to neuron, or neuron to organ)
clusters of nerve cell bodies
voltage gated channels
open when cell membrane reaches particular voltage (-50 mV)
myelin sheath
Schwann cell wrapping, increases speed of impulse (highest speed 100m/s)
endocrine system
controls body functions through hormones, much slower than nervous system
nervous system
detects and interprets info from surrounding environment, controls most body functions
steroid hormones
cholesterol based, bind to recepters inside cell, cause effects by binding to DNA and changing which genes get transcribed, slower than peptide hormones
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
involuntary system (controls heart, digestive organs, blood vessels, pancreas)
synaptic cleft
small gap between axon of 1 neuron and dendrite of another
Posterior pituitary gland
STORES and secretes (2): oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone(ADH), the hormones are made by hypothalamus
lower leves of thyroid hormone (thyroxine), person has low metabolic rate and can gain weight, (if thyroxine is low, TSH is high)
male part of plant, consists of anther and filament
pituitary gland
"master" endocrine gland, has 2 lobes: anterior and posterior
spongy cells
also carry out photosynthesis, more important for gas exchange
guard cells
open the stomates
What makes impulse stronger or weaker?
More frequency = more strong/pain/sensation
segmented worms
(CNS) conscious mind, voluntary actions occur (movement, speech, problem solving, sensation)
Schwann cells
in some neurons, wraps around axon
overproduction of thyroid hormone(thyroxine), person has high metabolic rate and can lose weight, (if thyroxine is high, TSH is low)
causes kidney to retain sodium (remove sodium from urine and return it to body), effect: to retain sodium AND water, increases blood volume and pressure

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