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Everyday physics final study guide

a study guide for the university of iowa "physics of everyday life" class


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an object that is thrown or struck or shot and then travels under the influence of gravity
Net force
the total force (positive and negative) acting upon an object
The study of how objects behave (from the very tiny to the very big, and from the beginning of the Universe to its ultimate fate).
why things move
believed that the natural state of objects was to be at rest
the first to do experimental studies of the laws of motion and was Imprisoned by Pope Urban VIII in 1633 for advocating the Copernican theory, also know as the heliocentric theory, that the earth was a planet revolving around the sun.
Compiled the first detailed observational data on planetary motion (mars), without a telescope.
analized brahe's data and verified the heliocentric theory. These regularities are known as Helpers Laws of Planetary motion.
wrote Principia in 1687. Made the 3 laws of mechanics and law of gravity. He also invented calculus.
shows in 1905 that newtons laws were not valid for objects moving with speeds near the speed of light.
Speed of light
18600 miles/sec
Quantum mechanics
new theory that explained behavior at the atomic level
Why does something move?
because nothing stops it
the combination of force and point of application
Net force=0 net torque≠0
rod with forces applied at opposite ends in opposite directions
Net force≠0 net torque=0
rod with forces applied at opposite ends in the same direction
net force=0 net torque=0
Center of gravity (CG)
the center of an object
not easy to knock over
Condition for stability
if the CG is above the edge, the object will not fall
Stable structures
are wider at the base (which lowers their center of gravity)
Rotational inertia (moment of inertia)
how much torque it takes to get an object rotating
Acceleration due to gravity on the earth
-10 m/s^2
mass x gravity
Newton's Second Law
f=mass x acceleration
distance traveled / time
change in velocity / time
Present velocity
initial velocity = acceleration x time
Distance traveled
½ acceleration x time^2
Time for an object thrown to reach maximum height
time= the square root of 2 x height / acceleration due to gravity
Velocity required for an object to reach height h
initial velocity= the square root of 2gh
Centripedal acceleration=
velocity squared / radius
force x lever arm
mass x velocity
Total momentum before collision
equals total momentum after collision
force per unit area
Fluid force
pressure x area
Buoyant force
weight of displaced water=volume of displaced water in liters x 10 n / liter
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
5/9 [T(F)-32]
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Convert Celsius to Kelven
T(C) +273
mass x specific heat x temperature change
Engine efficiency
work done / heat in
Change in internal energy
heat into system - work done by system
Power (watts)
current x voltage energy/time (joules per second)
current x resistance
voltage / current
Wave speed=
wavelength x frequency
1 / period (time)
time required to complete one cycle
Photon energy
c / f
frequency of light
speed of light / wavelength
c=3x10^8 m/s
velocity through a medium
period of a pendulum T of length L
2π x square root L/g
period p of a mass m oscillating on a horizontal spring of force constant k
t=2π square root m/k frequency= square root k/m;/2π
order of states of matter stronger to lesser forces between atoms
solids, liquids, gases
measure of density
density of lead
11,000 kg/m^3
density of water
1,000 kg/m^3
density of air
1.25 kg/m^3
density of aluminum
2,700 kg/m^3
measurement of pressure
Pascal (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi)
pressure depends on
number density x temperature
atmospheric pressure (atm)
100,000 n/m^2
static fluid formula
Fbottom=Ftop+mg where mg is the weight of the volume
variation of pressure with depth
Fbottom-Ftop=mg=(density x vol) x g
pressure does what when depth is increased
it increases
pressure at depth h
p + density x g h
when ice in water melts what happens?
the level stays the same
volume fluid flow rate
gallons per minute (gpm), liters/s, cubic feet per minute (cfm) or m^3/s
volume fluid flow rate formula
tube cross section area A, flow speed u vfr= u x A (m/s x m^2)
mass flow rate formula
p x u x A
incoming and outgoing flow rate formula
v1 x A1=v2 x A2
the pressure of liquids _____ when it goes faster
v x A= constant
definition of Bernoulii's equation
as the speed of a moving fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases
bernoulli's equation
fluid flow velocity=u, fluid density=p (rho), fluid pressure=P P + ½ p x u^2 + p x g x h= constant
a tendency for liquids to resist flowing.
Flow through a pipe
π(P2-P1)D^4/128Ln n=fluid's viscosity
The US uses how much of the total world energy consumption?
Internal energy
the sum of the energy of all the molecules in the system
Energy of motion (kinetic energy)
½ m v^2
the study of heat and its transformation into mechanical energy
Conservation of energy
you can't get more work out than the energy you put in
Engine efficiency cannot be 100%
you cant get as much out as you put in
the energy that flows from one system to another because of their temperature difference.
First Law of thermodynamics
If energy is transferred and the internal energy of system B decreases by some amount then the internal energy of system A must incrase by the same amount.
Second law of thermodynamics
if the temperature of system A is less then the temperature of system B then heat flows from B to A (hot to cold)
heat is carried from place to place by the bulk movement of either liquids or gasses
heat is transferred directly through a material with no bulk movement of material
Thermal conductivity
the effectiveness of a material in conducting heat
the heat transfer by electromagnetic waves - thermal light waves
Thermal radiation
the efficiency with which an object emits thermal radiation. Is a number between 0 and 1. A good emitter has an e close to 1.
Heat capacity (specific heat)
the amount of heat that is required to raise the temperature of one g of a substance by 1 degree C.
Heat capacity equation
heat Q= mass of sample x specific heat x temp change
the heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree F
law of conservation of energy
the change in internal energy= the heat absorbed- the work done
the total disorder of an object
restoring force
the force that brings a system back to equilibrium
maximum displacement from equilibrium
mechanical wave
a disturbance that propagates through a medium
a disturbance that moves through something
sounds below 30 Hz
sounds above 20,000 Hz
length of a wave

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