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The nervous system


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Neuron: Soma
Cell body
Neuron: axon
Transmits information down the length of the axon into the axon terminal
Neuron: Dendrite
Receive information (electrical) from environment and other cells
Neuron: Myelin Sheath
Insulates the neuron electrical signal
Neuron: Axon terminal
Where the electrical signal ends and the chemical signal begins
Receptor neuron
Recieves information from the enviroment --sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell--
Sensory neuron
Sends information from your PNS (Peripheral nervous system) to your CNS (Central nervous system)
Interneuron neuron
Relays the signal between the censory and motor neuron
motor neuron
Sends informations from the spin (CNS) to the effector (Muscle or gland)
How does cocaine alter neurotransmitters?
Dopamine transporter is blocked by cocaine
How does Nicotine alter neurotransmitters?
Neurons fire a lot faster
How does methamphetamines (extacy) alter neurotransmitters?
they mix in with the dopamine
auditory cortex
primary visual cortex
Frontal cortex
primitive brain function -balance
motor cortex
language/ speech
Regions of the brain: Midbrain
Pineal- sleep horomone
Regions of the brain: Cerebellum
regulates initiation, timing of movements, and is important to maintaining balance and posture. and helps modulate force
Regions of the brain: hypothalamus
thirst, hunger, drive
Regions of the brain: Brainstem
Connects brain and spinal cord. Controls many basic functions including heart rate, breathing, eating, and sleeping
Regions of the brain: Spinal cord
Relays information from the brain to the PNS
Regions of the brain: Cerebrum
Contain frontal, prietal, and occipital lobe
Pleasure neurotransmitter
a roughly almond-shaped mass of gray matter deep inside each cerebral hemisphere, associated with the sense of smell.
Areas of the cerebral cortex:Temporal lobe
Memory, emotions, hearing, language, and learning
Areas of the cerebral cortex: Frontal
Decision making, problem sloving, control of purposeful, behaviors, consciousness, and emotions
Areas of the cerebral cortex: Parietal
Receives and processes censory information. words combine into thoughts. letters form words
Areas of the cerebral cortex: Occipital
Processes information related to vision
What happened to Phineas gage?
Had a terrible accident where rod went through his brain. lived. after accident he acted rude and childish compared to nice old self. Helped scientists figure out where the personality was controlled in the brain and contributed to the understanding of how the brain processed information.
How do drugs affect the brain?
Kill neurons and decrease brain activity

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