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Earth Science Test

Earth science test


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Environmental Science Definition
The study of the environment
Theories of Moral Responsibility
1. Anthropocentrism 2. Ecocentrism 3. Geocentrism-sustainability 4. Christ Centered
Developmental Ethic
Use of the earth's resources for man's benefit regardless of the damage
Preservation Ethic
Protect the Earth's resources
Use resources wisely so that they may be replenished and made available for future generations
Developments in rapid world-wide transportation, communication and trade
1987 World Commission on Environ and Develop (Brundtland Commission) "Our Common Future" Development that meets the needs for the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs
International Agreements
1992 UNCED (Rio Earth Summit) Convention on Climate Change Convention on Biological Diversity Forest Principles Document Rio Declaration Agenda 21
Naturalists, Philosophers, and Activists
Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, Leopold, Carson, Nader
Global Environmental Ethic
-Globalization -Sustainability
When force is applied to a mass it causes an acceleration F=m a
W= F (Force) x D
Measured in units of Joules
Potential Energy
PE= m g h
Kinetic Energy
KE= 1/2 m v2
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy is neither created nor destroyed but may be converted from one form to another
When energy is transformed, some of its is converted to heat which is then unavailable for useful work (Engines heat up and run out of gas)
Use waste heat for other uses (District Heating)
Expansion Cooling
When pressure on a confined gas drops the volume increases (expansion) and the temperature drops. -Air conditioning -Drop in temperature with altitude
Compression Heating
Opposite effect (compressor, low altitude deserts)
Heat transferred through touch
A heated fluid moves heat to another location
Heat transferred as infrared radiation (speed of light)
Behavior of Heat
-Heat causes changes in state of matter -Heat causes expansion and expanding gas creates force -Heating confined gas creates pressure
has a cooling effect (energy is taken from surrounding surface)
phenomenon of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields occurring in certain materials when cooled below a characteristic critical temperature.
Positively Charged
Negatively Charged
Atomic Number
Total protrons
Atomic Mass
Protrons + Neutrons
The same number of protrons but more neutrons
Ionic Bonds
Form between oppositely charged ions (gains or looses a + or - bond)
Covalent Bonds
Electrons are shared between two elements near each other (occur in water, many gasses)
Hydrogen Bonds
External attractions between molecules, especially between water molecules and ions or polar molecules
The process by which a solid, liquid or gas forms a solution in a solvent. Action of polar water molecules on Ionic and Polar compounds
does the dissolving
gets dissolved
Maximum amount of solute (dissolved substance) in solution
Organic hydrocarbons are Non-Polar and do not dissolve in water (asphalt, benzene)
Ionic attraction onto grain surfaces
Dissolution, Partitioning, and Volatility
determine whether a chemical will move to the hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, or atmosphere
Volatile Organic Chemicals
Small molecules that vaporize easily
can cause cancer (toxic)
Alliphatic=chains -Alkanes=Carbons connected only by single bonds
PCB's Dioxin, and etc
Organic Chemicals that may be very toxic at low levels
Organic Chemicals Two Major Families
Alliphatic (Hydrocarbon chain structure) Aromatic (benzene ring structure)
Endothermic Reactions
Energy caused through heat (baking, cooking through heat)
Exothermic Reactions
Energy released in the form of heat (combustion and Respiration)
Space where community interacts with the physical environment
Assemblage of all interacting organisms
Positive Feedback
Initial change causes a series of similar changes in the same direction, leading to disruption and decline (climate cooling causes snow cover which then reflects more sun)
Negative Feedback
Initial changes sets off counter changes that reestablish equilibrium (excess CO2 accelerates plant growth)
Energy Flow Through Ecosystems
Flow goes from one Trophic Level to another -Primary Producers (plants) -Primary consumers (herbivores) -Secondary consumers (carnivores) -Scavengers and Decomposers (bacteria, fungi)
Carbon Cycle
Producers convert atmospheric CO2 and soil H20 into biomass for food chain (they use aerobic and anaerobic) (makes shells and limestone) (makes up fossil fuels)
Nitrogen Cycle
-Atmosphere (unavailable for most organisms but needed for growth) -Nitrogen Fixation -lightning -Nitrogen fixing bacteria (nitrate and ammonia)
A Biome
Large geographical biotic community -controlled by climate -is named after dominant vegetation -has fuzzy boundaries
Biome Examples
-Individual rages of tolerance to temperature and precipitation determine where a species can live -Rainfall effects are primary in determining biomes
Fossil Fuels (Coal) 1
Coal-Primary fuel of Industrial Revolution (Steam Engine) -Conversion of plant material to refined carbon compounds with burial over time
Fossile Fules (Coal) 2
-China is the world's leading coal producer -49% of U.S. electricity comes from coal-fired power plants -Mining is hazardous
Coal Power
-The Clean Coal Power Initiative seeks to remove pollutants before and after burning -Use low sulfur coal -Fluidized Bed Combustion -Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 1977
Biological Sources
-Food (hunter gatherers) -Wood (Fire) -Animal Power
Petroleum and Natural Gas
-C1-C4 are gases, C5 -Oil Chronology-intertwined with economy and polotics -Gasoline and the automobile
Types of Crude Oil
Sweet-low sulfur Sour-high sulfur Light-small carbon chains Heavy-larger carbon chains Paraffin base Naptha base
Price of Gasoline
Refining- 10% marketing-21% Texas 32% Crude oil 37%
Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon, Indonesia, Venezuela
How to make an oil field
Source rock, maturity, reservoir, trap, commercial quantity
Environmental Problems with Oil Production
-Surface disturbance -Threat to shallow groundwater -Brine water contamination -Oil spills and oil well fires -Abandoned well problems -Drilling in underground mine areas
Problems with Fossil Fuel Combustion
-Trade Deficit -Strategic Vulnerability -Photochemical Smog -Greenhouse Gas -Acid Rain -Damage from mining and Drilling -Toxic Emission
Alternatives (Other Combustion Fuels)
-Ethanol and Methanol -Biofuels-Cooking oil, Rape seed oil -Compressed Natural Gas -Liquified Natural Gas -Propane -Hydrogen
Other Types of Engines
-Electric -Hybrid -Fuel Cell
Alpha radiation
(2 protons + 2 neutrons escape from nucleus) (atomic # drops 2 and atomic mass drops 4)
Beta radiation
( high energy electron from nucleus caused by decay of a proton or neutron. (atomic number up 1 or down 1 but no mass change)
Gamma radiation
(electro-magnetic energy of highest frequency)
Alpha and Beta decay series
natural pollution
Nuclear Fission
Heavy element absorbs a slow neutron to become unstable and then splits; To slow neutron down a MODERATOR is required (carbon, deuterium water, etc); To maintain chair reaction a CRITICAL MASS is required.
Nuclear Fission: reactor components
Heat used to make steam to run electrical turbines. Steam must be kept in a closed system to prevent radiation leaks. Reaction can be slowed by Cadmium, Boron, or Graphite control rods which absorb neutrons.
Number of reactors worldwide
Number of reactors in US
Radioactive waste disposal
High level waste: spent fuel rods. On site storage.
Nuclear disasters; radiation threats
Reactor accident & leak; exposure at processing facility; transportation accident; exposure at storage facility; nuclear terrorism and theft
Health problems
Pt clusters in bone; Rn breathed into lungs, I (131,129) absorbed by Thyroid; Cs(137) behaves like K (muscle, neurons)

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