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Japans 178


undefined, object
copy deck
jikakushōjō (自覚症状)
subjective symptoms
jijo (侍女)
a waiting woman/maid, a lady's maid
jihitsu de (自筆で)
in one's own handwriting
jikan ni okureru (時間に遅れる)
to be late
jihibiki (地響き)
an earth tremor
jikai (自戒)
jiishiki (自意識)
jii o shimeru (次位を占める)
to hold the second place
jikasen'en (耳下腺炎)
parotitis, mumps
jihi de (自費で)
at one's own expense
jikasei no (自家製の)
jiishiki no tsuyoi (自意識の強い)
(keenly) self-conscious
jikandōrini (時間通りに)
jijo (自序)
the author's preface
jikangireni naru (時間切れになる)
Time runs out
jijitsumukon no (事実無根の)
groundless, unfounded
jikaisayō (自壊作用)
jihyō o dasu (辞表を出す)
to tender one's resignation, to send in one's resignation
satsujinjiken (殺人事件)
a murder case
jihō (時報)
a time signal, an announcement of time
jiheishō (自閉症)
jikaku (自覚)
(self-)consciousness, awakening
jiji Eigo (時事英語)
current English
jikaku suru (自覚する)
to be conscious, to be(come) aware, to realize
seimujikan (政務次官)
a parliamentary vice-minister
jiiro (地色)
the ground colour
jijo (自助)
jihibiki o tatete (地響きをたてて)
with a heavy thud
jikan (時間)
time, an hour; [学校の] a period, a lesson
jikani (直に)
directly, at first hand; personally, in person
jijiimusai (爺むさい)
slovenly, frowzy
jijitsujō (事実上)
as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, really, virtually
jikaini (次回に)
next time
jikan o kakeru (時間をかける)
to take time
jika (時価)
the current/market price, a quotation
jiiundō (示威運動)
a demonstration
jikan o awaseru (時間を合わせる)
to set one's watch
jiiteki (示威的)
jiji (時事)
current events/affairs, events of the day
katei no jijō de (家庭の事情で)
for family reasons
jikangaiteate (時間外手当)
overtime pay
jikasen (耳下腺)
the parotid (gland)
jihyō (時評)
comments on current events
jikei (次兄)
one's second eldest brother
jikayōsha (自家用車)
one's (own) car, a private car
jii (自慰)
masturbation, self-abuse
jikan ni maniau (時間に間に合う)
to be in time
jihitsu (自筆)
one's own handwriting, an autograph
jijikaisetsu (時事解説)
comments on current topics
jihibukai (慈悲深い)
merciful, kindhearted
jikankyū (時間給)
time wages
jikachūdoku (自家中毒)
autointoxication, self-poisoning
jikahatsudensōchi (自家発電装置)
an independent (electric) power plant
jijikokukoku (時々刻々)
hourly, every moment
jikadōchaku (自家撞着)
jikayō no (自家用の)
for private use, for home consumption
jijūchō (侍従長)
the Grand Chamberlain
jikatabi (地下足袋)
rubber-soled tabi, field sneakers
jihatsuteki (自発的)
spontaneous, voluntary
jikadōchaku no (自家撞着の)
jijō (自乗)
[Math.] a square
jijitsujō no (事実上の)
actual, practical
jikan (次官)
a vice-minister, an undersecretary
jijitsu (事実)
a fact, the truth
jihi (慈悲)
benevolence, charity, mercy, pity
jijo (次女)
one's second daughter
jikangime de (時間ぎめで)
by the hour
jikan no kannen ga nai (時間の観念がない)
to have no sense of time
jikeidan (自警団)
a vigilance committee
jiin (寺院)
a Buddhist temple
jikashugi (時価主義)
the market price method/basis
jii (侍医)
a court physician
jikatsu suru (自活する)
to support oneself, to earn one's (own) living
jihen (事変)
an incident, a disturbance, a trouble
jikasōgaku (時価総額)
market capitalization
jikatsu (自活)
jihatsutekini (自発的に)
spontaneously, of one's own accord
jijō (事情)
circumstances, (the state of) things, reasons
jijō ga yuruseba (事情が許せば)
if circumstances permit
jiheishō no hito (自閉症の人)
an autistic
jikai no (次回の)
jihitsu no (自筆の)
autograph(ic), written by oneself
jihyō (辞表)
a (written) resignation
jijōsayō (自浄作用)
jii o morasu (辞意をもらす)
to intimate one's intention to resign, to hint at one's intention to resign
jijū (侍従)
a chamberlain
jiken (事件)
an event, an incident, a happening, an affair, a matter, a case, a trouble, a scandal
jiken o hikiukeru (事件を引き受ける)
to take a case in hand
jiiundō o suru (示威運動をする)
to hold a demonstration, to stage a demonstration
jikanhyō (時間表)
a timetable
jijimondai (時事問題)
current topics
jijii (爺)
a grandfather, an old man
jiheishō no (自閉症の)
jikabi de yaku (直火で焼く)
to broil, to grill
jijū (自重)

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