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Japans 362


undefined, object
copy deck
ogosokani (厳かに)
solemnly, gravely
ofisugai (オフィス街)
a business district
odorba (踊場)
a dance hall, [階段の] a landing
odoroki (驚き)
surprise, astonishment, wonder, fright
odosu (威す)
to threaten, to menace, to bluff, to frighten, to scare
ogori (奢り)
luxury, arrogance, pride, treat
ofuru (お古)
a used article, a secondhand article
ochitsuki haratte (落着きはらって)
calmly, coolly
odeko (おでこ)
a prominent forehead, one's brow
odoshi (威し)
a threat, a menace, bluff
odawarahyōjō (小田原評定)
an endless discussion
ofisuōtomēshon (オフィスオートメーション)
office automation
kare no ogori de (彼の奢りで)
[to drink] on him
ohajiki (おはじき)
ōeru (オーエル)
a female office worker
ohire o tsukeru (尾鰭をつける)
to embroider
ogakuzu (大鋸屑)
saw dust
ochitsuki no aru (落着きのある)
odoodo shite (おどおどして)
nervously, timidly
ogamu (拝む)
to worship, to pray, to look at (reverently)
ofisukankyō (オフィス環境)
the office environment
odorokubeki (驚くべき)
wonderful, marvelous, surprising, amazing
odoriagaru (躍り上がる)
to jump up, to spring up, to leap for joy
ofureko de (オフレコで)
[Infml.] off the record
oetsu (嗚咽)
a sob
odayakani (穏やかに)
calmly, quietly, peacefully
ohire no tsuita hanashi (尾鰭のついた話)
a story full of exaggeration
ochōshimono (お調子者)
a person easily elated
ohachi (お鉢)
a rice tub, one's turn [comes round]
oharaibako ni naru (お払い箱になる)
to be dismissed, [Infml.] to be fired, to be sacked
odori (踊り)
dancing, a dance
ofisu (オフィス)
an office
ochitsuki o ushinau (落着きを失う)
to lose one's presence of mind
ohiraki ni suru (お開きにする)
to break up, to close, to adjourn
ogoru (奢る)
to be extravagant, to live luxuriously; to be haughty, to be proud; to treat
ochitsuki (落着き)
composure, presence of mind
ochitsuki o torimodosu (落着きを取り戻す)
to recover one's presence of mind
ofukuro (お袋)
one's mother
oetsu suru (嗚咽する)
to sob
ki ga ochitsukanai (気が落ち着かない)
to feel restless, to be ill at ease
odayaka de nai (穏やかでない)
disquieting, ill-contented, not fit
ogyā to naku (おぎゃあと泣く)
to whimper
ogosokana (厳かな)
solemn, grave
odoriko (踊り子)
an dancer, a dancing girl
oden (おでん)
Japanese hotchpotch
ōdāmēdo no (オーダーメードの)
made to order, tailor-made
odateru (煽てる)
to instigate, to flatter
kore wa kare no ogori da (これは彼の奢りだ)
This is his treat
odokeru (おどける)
to joke, to make a joke, to be funny
odorokasu (驚かす)
to surprise, to astonish, to startle, to shock, to frighten, to create a sensation
ochitsuita (落ち着いた)
ochiru (落ちる)
to fall, to drop; to give way, to collapse, to be omitted; [日・月が] to set, to sink; to fail [in an exanination], to fall into; [城が] to fall, [汚れ/しみ] to come off/out; [色が] to fade; [手形が] to be honored
odoroita koto ni wa (驚いたことには)
to one's surprise
oeragata (お偉方)
dignitaries, [Slang] big shots
ofuda (お札)
an amulet, a charm
odoshimonku (威し文句)
threatening words
odoru (踊る/躍る)
to dance, to jump, to leap, [胸が] to throb
oginau (補う)
to make up, to make good, to supplement
ochitsuku (落ち着く)
to settle (down); to become calm/quiet, to calm down, to quiet down
ochitsuki no nai (落着きのない)
ohayō (お早う)
Good morning
odaterarete ~ suru (煽てられて~する)
to be cajoled into doing
odabutsu ni naru (お陀仏になる)
to die
ogyā to umareru (おぎゃあと生まれる)
to be born into this world
ochoko (おちょこ)
a sake cup
odayakani naru (穏やかになる)
to calm down, to quiet down
odoroku (驚く)
to be surprised, to be astonished, to be amazed; to wonder, to marvel; to be frightened, to be scared
ofisubiru (オフィスビル)
an office building/block
ochoboguchi (おちょぼ口)
a small mouth
odayakana (穏やかな)
calm, quiet, peaceful, gentle, moderate, reasonable
ochitsukeru (落ち着ける)
[腰を] to settle down, [気を] to compose oneself
ki o ochitsukeru (気を落ち着ける)
to calm oneself
odorokubeki hodo (驚くべきほど)
wonderfully, marvelously, surprisingly, amazingly
ohako (十八番)
one's forte, one's speciality; one's hobby
odokeshibai (おどけ芝居)
a farce
oeru (終える)
to finish, to complete, to go through
ochitsuite (落ち着いて)
ogawa (小川)
a brook, a stream
mune o odorasete (胸を躍らせて)
with a beating heart
odoketa (おどけた)
funny, comical, hunorous

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